Sunday, July 24, 2016

Reign of Winter Session #11, The Pale Tower part two

Snows of Summer, Reign of Winter, atop the Pale Tower, Aerie, aviary
Battle atop the Pale Tower, Captain Hestrig Orlov falls, Jairess commands the "Eyes of Nazhena".

reign of winter pathfinder pale tower

Bullet point for the session:

•  Yoska finished off the demon spawn plant as it broke free from it's chains.

•  Guards, their commander, the atomie and a strange creature that doubled in size wielding a halberd came through the teleporters from the 1st floor one by one.  Zaaz cast web on some of them (and Repent) to control the battlefield.

•  The party attempted to use one of the teleporters, but Hatch had the password wrong and the statues next to you came to life and attacked.

•  The Party followed the Ulfen warrior up to the aerie via the other teleporter.  Yoska cast obscuring mist, but the warrior cut the party to pieces as you came through one by one. 

•  Hatch eventually threw the warrior out the window into the courtyard below.  Two guard below carried off her body.

•  The commander of the ravens was there with her loyal pets, and the mist was the only thing that kept them at bay.  Noname’s eagles proved to be worth their weight in gold once again.  The swarm did manage to get a piece of Yoska after he had been held in place by a spell from the flying warrior, and his eyes got scratched to the point of blindness again.

Journal entry from Yoska:

Who was she? She could wield a blade that one. My clothes were soaked with blood. No time, I could not let her escape. In pursuit ! What the heck? Another teleporter. Damn! What was that noise? Moans, and chains rattling. Chains breaking! Around the corner, a massive ugly plant root shaped like a man, rushing at me. No time, had to strike with all I got. Electricity dancing along my blade, I struck true and true. It dropped, I could breathe and bind my wounds.
More noise from where we came from ! The guards had found us. No other place for us to go, we all converged to the dining hall with the down teleporters. The guards kept coming at us, but we made our stand, helped by a well placed Web spell from Zaaz. What? Someone was trying to shrink me? Fool, go ahead, what does not kill me makes me stronger. Guards, more guards, their commander, a weird creature that doubled in size wielding a halberd. Eventually they all dropped.
In the silence that ensued we made our way to the teleporter with the red carpet. Hatch said he may know the password. I stepped in and nothing. Except stone grinding noises. Statues animated! We quickly dispatched the stone guardians and moved on to the teleporter that led to the aerie, according to Hatch.

This time the password worked, I could feel myself transported, surrounded by ice. I knew that face, it was the female warrior, no ! Her blade mercilessly struck me as I was arriving. A witch was there too, with her crows dancing around her head. This was a trap. One side step and I cast Obscuring Mist, hoping to shield my friends from the bloody blade of the warrior. One by one, they all came up, but I could hear the blade falling and striking true. I tried. The fog did repel the crows and the witch, for now. That bought us enough time to wound the warrior before Hatch projected her out the window with his magic. She should have died from the fall, but we only saw her body carried away by guards in the courtyard. On to the flying witch ! Noname's eagles attacked her relentlessly to her death. Not before I could feel her insidious magic seeping into my limbs and holding me still, her ravens approaching, talons out. Nothing I could do but feel thousands of daggers scratching at my eyes, my world turning dark again.

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