Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Reign of Winter #30: Back in Baba's hut: cute little garden, alien assholes and merchants, dragonkin and battles on a far off planet called Triaxus!

Diary of Zaaz Bloodfortune

Ready we were to head back to the hut, yet is not hard work justifiably rewarded with some time of leisure? Not for us it seems. Strife seems to follow us at every turn and nothing seems to come easily. Still, hard work seems to have its rewards. My patron has once again rewarded me with more power and spells. New hexes and tricks with which to fight, torture, and begile.

Returning to Hooftown we spread word of the killing of the White Dragon and for three days the drinks flowed like a river. Fun and frolic and pleasures of the flesh were our reward. Three days to repair our equipment and search for more supplies to help on our future journeys. For three days the itching in the back of our minds we did try to ignore, to drown in fine drink, yet the pull would not be ignored. The gaes of the black rider forced us on and ensured us no real time of rest.

Packing up and saying goodbye to new friends we returned to the hut. There a sullen Ratibor greeted us again. Yet soon, that sullen attitude was gone as I had learned the ritual to free him of his servitude. Baba will likely not be happy with me for loosing her doorman, but surely he had served his time. Into the caldron we put the dragon scale and nugget I had retrieved at the cost of years and in moments the hut disappeared.

The room we were standing in had been transformed into a gazebo in a place of strange nature. Clouds in the sky above seemed oddly fake an in the distance walls of glass could be seen. Paths wandered off in arounds ways and a wooded area was to one side. A garden, a small shed, and five greenhouses were close at hand. A tinny muted sound of thunder called our and water began falling on parts of the forest.

The fragrance of the garden was intoxicating and I quickly went over to look. Within was every kind of useful herb and plant a witch could ever want. I had paid good coin for far worse quality than was before me. I knelt down and began cutting a sample to refill my herb pouch. Sadobras moved over to inspect a well he had noticed, while Dalomar launches his strange mechanical owl to scout. Snori flew into the shack and soon the sounds of things being broken comes from within. Eventually, Snori comes out and lets us know of various defoliants and potions within that may or may not be now useable.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Snori moves over to explore a mount of bushes off to one side and is promptly attacked by a giant carnivorous plant. I think I had previously seen a smaller version of the plant eating flies in a swampy area. This thing is certainly much larger. It’s mouth closes on Snori’s leg, holding him in place. Taking a break from my harvesting, I shoot a bolt of lightning at the creature, not much caring if I hit the plant or the troublesome flit. As my lightning had little effect, Dalomar moved up and cut Snori lose. Just as I’m wondering how we’ll finish the creature off, Yoska shows us all a trick he’s recently learned. With a quick chant and gesture, he creates the proper pattern and seems to shimmer with energy. There is a sudden zzzittt sound and becomes a bolt of lightning that strikes through the creature, then once more becoming Yoska. The creature smokes from the bolt, which did well more than my poor attack. Before it can recover, Sadobras and his warg slam into it. Almost simultaneously, Tavum and Gretta strike with arrow and javelin. Seeing Dalomar was ready to strike at it again, I cast a hex of luck upon him. Before he could strike, the green gobbler tried to pull him in. Finally, Yoska manages to slice it in half with his sword. Snori is pulled free of the creature and I cast healing upon those who had been hurt.

Peace once again returned, I went back to my harvesting only to have it interrupted again as Sadobras is attacked by some sort of shambling mound. Making quick work of that, I would have thought that everyone had the sense to leave well enough alone, but of course now. Snori flew into the woods and managed to shoot a Treant. He tries to apologize, but made the mistake of mentioning Baba yaga. Racing back towards us with the angry tree in tow, I call a bolt of lightning down upon it. Yosaka moves up with Gretta and strike at it. Snori moves to attack and gets hit as he tries to harass it. Tavum, studying the tree and its sickly appearance calls forth a healing on it, restoring the trees sanity. Dawnbark, now healed talks with us. Evidently, he had been fooled by Baba who invited him to live in Paradise. A paradise it is in some ways, but one with a light that slowly drives him insane. He won’t help us directly, but he does warn us of moonflowers by the path leading towards a house in the distance.

Once again, I go back to my harvesting and once again Snori is the cause of most trouble. Yes, spirits I know we should tie him up. Dalomar mentions that bubu the owl saw a strange cat on a tree stump in one area. Snori, curious as ever flew over and talked with it. The cat tells him it was the familiar of Yelizaveta, but that her mistress disappeared. Yelizaveta, of course, being the queen before the current queen and child of Baba Yaga. The cat seems to have problems and falls over. Snori investigates and is promptly attacked by a mass of tentecles that fly out of the stump. Dalomar comes up to Snori’s aid and manages to confuse the writhering mass. Sadobras on his ward ride by, striking hard with his lance. Sighing, I stood up from my harvesting, dusted off my knees, and flew over towards the fight. Greeted by the sight of Dalomar held by the neck and Yoska casting a ray of enfeeblement on it, I realize it’s a great chance to try a new spell grrr has granted me. Calling forth magic and energy I draw a circle in the air. Bending the barriers I call forth a Cuestodaemon to do my bidding. Frustratingly though, before it can do more than start to join the fight, Tavum strikes with his bow and it dies.

Having a few moments left on the summoning, I send the Cuestodaemon off towards the house mentioned by the Treant. Going just a little ways down the path it is quickly set upon by Moonflowers. Now, I have long been an admirer of flowers. As a witch, I have certainly dreamed of finding a nice place in my dotage to raise flowers and herbs of all kinds. However, I don’t even want to consider what kind of fertilizer Baba Yaga uses to grow plants like these. Huge and with long reach, a swarm of these mighty plants advanced on us. Yoska blasted the group with a fireball, killing one, but the rest advance. Getting close, the one in the front stopped and with a sudden pulsing blasted the lot of us with very bright light, blinding Yoska. Drawing Emberchill, my sickle of magical ice, I call forth the ice storm within on two of them. Another burst of light and Sadobras is also dazzled while Tavum, Gretta, and I manage to finish off the ones remaining.

Deciding that perhaps a bit more caution is necessary, Dalomar decides to scout out the house. Within, on one side of the entryway he finds a person searching through a room. Opening desk drawers and such he looks innocuous. Strangely enough, while Dalomar saw this person as a strange creature, Snori saw it as a human. The rest of us moved up to see what was happening. Talking a bit with him, he told us he’d like us to meet his master. After calling for his master, Dalomar, seeing him for the twisted being he was, attacked and did minor damage. Calling out again a bit louder, “Denizen of Leng!” we could hear movement elsewhere in the house. Striking at Snori, he was knocked hard. The door in the hallway opens and out steps an old man. The old man waves his hands and soon Gretta is staring fascinated at a pattern that persists in the air. Knowing this can be no ordinary old man I strike with a hex of agony, truly a fearsome magic, but to no effect. The old man seems to be able to resist my power. Sadobras and Dalomar both attack, while the Denizen of Lang casts confusion that seems to effect Gretta. Yoska moves up and looks in the door the old man came out of and starts screaming like a little girl, “Moooooooon Beeaaaaaasstt!”

Wondering to myself, what in the world is a moon beast, I try casting a hex on the original one we encountered, but again to no effect. Snori, strangely effective for once manages to locate several arrows with holy water tips and uses them to kill the original foe. Sadobras also manages to hit the one in the hallway. A Fireball comes out of the room and strikes at all of us while Gretta, shaking off the confusion, manages to charge and push the Denizen into the room with the moon beast. Yoska moves up to support her while Sadobras manages to find enough space to charge. Just as things are starting to look in our favor, the moon beast casts a spell at Gretta, telling the dominated warrior “I am your only true friend. Kill the others!” I manage to cast sleep upon her before she can do much damage to us and soon we’ve managed to kill off the two foes. Looking through their things we find that one had a rather large gem. When looked at closely, it appeared to have a small person inside. Deciding to wait a bit on investigating this, we put the gem away.

We began to explore the house and soon realize that it is just another version of the hut. Upstairs we find the cracked bowl with the hens egg, a pitcher, and cauldron. From the porch windows we can see a strange and different vista. Soon a raven appears to us and tells us that baba has gone on to see her only son, but left breadcrumbs behind, if the breadcrumbs we can find. At our feet he drops a stuffed 2 headed eagle, an iron spur, and a drinking horn. Then he also drops in another pile an elephant tusk, a small hand mirror, and a bearskin rug. Once he drops the items, the raven disappears and once again I curse the vagueness that seems to go hand and hand with being or dealing with witches.

The hut in its current state now fully explored we bring things back to the gem. Breaking it open we are confronted by a very tall, blue, creature of a species we don’t recognize. Introducing himself as Zalvazaraat, he tells us he’s a merchant that travels the various dimensions and offers us the pick of some of his items in thanks for freeing him. Instead, we work a deal with him to sell some of our goods for us at a good price and he gives us a way to call for him should we need to buy or sell more. It won’t be instant, but having our own personal merchant should make the travel a bit easier.

Soon, we all exit the hut and make our way up to high ground, to try to get an idea of where we are. Gretta and I notice that the local plant life is not familiar to us at all. We must have travelled quite a ways I imagine. When we get to the top of the hill we notice the sun is low in the sky, indicating that we are perhaps quite far north. With little warning a red dragon flies overhead and we all prepare for battle. It lands off to the side and we notice someone on top of it. The dragon also seems to wield a halberd. Getting closer we see the rider is actually a dragon-kin. Eventually we are able to communicate and learn that she doesn’t even recognize humans at all. Through our talking we learn that she calls this world Triaxis and that there is a major war going on.

While talking there is mention of the Iron Spur and two headed eagle we received and it takes some luck and diplomancy to bring things back to friendly terms. Luckily Sadobras and Bescaylie get along well and we learn that she and her mount, Efrixis, are looking for reinforcements. Her keep, Spurhorn, one of the outposts of the alliance referred to as the SkyFire Mandate, is under attack by Drakeland forces under General Malacinder, a silver dragonkin, and in dire need of help. Her commander actually has a two headed eagle as well which leads us to believe the clues from the raven have led us to her.

We made arrangements to go with her to the keep the next day after we have had a chance to prepare. Back at the hut, Tavum tells us that Snori is going off for retraining for a few days. The next day we head over to the peak again and cast fly to try to race past the defenders. Unfortunately due to magic being used, a teleport just won’t work. On our way in we are attacked first by a group of Frost Drakes and then by a group of Cuestodaemons. The first group, the Frost Drakes are not too difficult aside from ice blasts. Slumber works quite well and knocks one from the sky. Yoska, Gretta, Sadobras, and Dalomar also rampage through the group. The Cuestodaemons with their ability to dispel the fly spells on us are much more difficult. At one point Tavum falls from the sky, but I manage to catch him. He imbues me with shadow strength to help me carry him. The feeling of the strength is so intoxicating that I almost conteptuaously call agony down upon one and knock him from the fight. Yoska and Gretta taking out one and Efrixes and Biscale turning another into a red mist, we break through the defenders and head on towards the keep….

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