Thursday, December 3, 2015

Session #1, from the journal of Sadobras:

S’been a breath of fresh air to get away from the Wanderers for ‘while. All that wanderin’ and nobody does nothin’. We didn’t get half a day away before things get interesin. Just as we started gettin nigh Heldren, we started to hearin’ some strange stories that were decidedly more interestin’ than most anything we done lately so we decided to put ‘r noses in the dirt. Firstin’, seems some noblewoman’s carriage been waylaid on a ‘portant trade road, which for some reason don’t seem to cause no ruckus. Apparently, she wer’nt from here so no’ne seemed to give a care. If that wern’t nuff, folks been wisper’n bout talking animals in the local. Sound’t’me that someone’s been getting a little too deep in the hooch. Fin’ly, much’n people belly achin’ bout winter comin’ early. Interesting’ly, odd weather get more ‘tention from the locals than talkin’ animals or bandit ambushes. Tis a strange lot ‘round ‘ere.

After ‘riving at Heldren, we finds out that that someone actually escaped the bandits and was convilescing right here in town. We gotta check that out. Turns out he was the Lady Argentina Malassene’s bodyguard, Yuln. Not too much of a bodyguard since he’s here and she isn’t, but I isn’t one ta judge. Went to go see him and he seems a bit off ‘is rocker to me. Kept talking about faeries and sprites from the forest that was freezing ever’body. I hasn’t heard no stories ‘bout Fey in these parts for hunerds, if not thoands of years, but he was definitely spooked and that got us spooked. If there’s fey in the area, and theys hostile, we beeter get r’selves some protection. After getting the approximate location of the shakedown, we heads to the smithy to see if we can get some weapons that put the fear in the fey... col’ arn.

Best decision ever! Smithy by the nam’o Isker Euphram not only has the col’ arn... he gots a daughter, Xanthippe, that’s hotter than his forge. Couldn’t take me ayes off ‘er when she came ‘round. I bet she likes ‘em short. Big thin’s and small packages n’ all. Anyways, we weren’t the only ones to notice. Seems like she gots a host of ‘mirers.

We put some coin down for col’ arn, buts decide to go head and sniff out the ambush site anyway. I reckin we just lookin for sumptin t’do. Boy’d we find it. Soon as Dalomar and me gets close enough to see the carriage, we knew somethin wern’t right. Scratching from the inside got me cat’s hackles all a quiver. Also looks like some statues nearby, but covered in ice like. Hells, come to think of it, it *is* right cold round here. Much more than back in town. Must’b a storm brewin’. Anyways, we call over the lads to investigate and prepare for the worst. Open the doors and, yep... thems zombies. Dead as all hell, but no less hungry. We get to whooping on ‘em an after a while we’s able to take ‘em all down.

Them ice statues isn’t statues at all... them’s people. Well sorta, anyways. They was people. Now theys just popsickles. One ‘em even missin’ ‘is arms. Whatever done this isn’t natural. I don’t know why we thought it a good ide’ to head deeper into them freezing woods, but we done it anyway. Dalomar and I scoutin’ up ‘head when outta nowhere comes a huge dragon. He moved so fast I couldn’t even get my point to ‘em and next thing I know... he’s chompin’ on me. Don’t a’member much after that, but I guess tha lads had a go at ‘im cause he’s dead and I’m still ‘ere. Is good to have mates ‘roun ‘ere. I’m thinkin’ we need to get back to town to pick up that col’ arn. I reckon it’s gonna be a long winter!!

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