Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Session 22: The road to Artrosia. Andrazkus track the party, and icy death in the form of a cold rider. "Don't fall" says Erdija, "that's like a 5000 hoof climb, and I won't be catching you!"

Diary of Zaaz Bloodfortune

I fear for those we meet. It seems so often that when someone new travels with us, they have a choice. They are one of us, or they are not. If they are not, it seems they are in shock at how often we seem the target of evil forces. Those who are with us learn to endure the pain and travails and get stronger. Well, except for Noname of course. What is that? Quiet you voices, he’ll be back if I have to journey the hells myself to find him.
I have serious reasons to dislike evil creatures, but interrupting my sleep is certainly one of them. Sleep is difficult when interrupted by Demons. Dalomar and Tavum were on watch when a group of Andrazku demons came running into the camp. Apelike and preening themselves, proud and full of malice, they blasted us with cones of cold that did make my bones ache. Such a rude awakening to the night, I reacted unthinkingly and flew up into the sky. Tavum fired a whistling arrow to ensure all were awake and the battle was on. Our guide was quickly targeted and in two strikes most of her face was ripped away. Sadobras and Tauvem seemed particularly effective against the beasts, the cold iron of their attacks ripping into the beasts. Calling forth my magic a hex of sleep I laid upon on the biggest of the beasts and down he went. Yoska blasted one with a scorching ray, but it did little to the beasts. One dying one summoned another and on and on the battle went. In the end, the devastating charges of Sadobras proved the deciding factor and soon all the creatures were down. Dalomar told us that his study of the lore of these creatures made it unlikely this was a random attack. Likely they were sent by our enemies. Bringing forth my healing, I was able to restore Erdija’s face and heal her wounds. Shock she expressed at the attack, but more was to come.
Walking the next day towards town, a blast of cold ran down my back and suddenly we were enveloped by an ice storm. The cold blast was freezing the skin on my body and breathing the cold was painful so again I took to the air and blasted forth from the storm. I searched for the cause of the storm and saw nothing, but heard something charging from within the miasma of cold. Carried out of the storm by his momentum, a creature of cold and darkness, a cold rider, was there on a great and mighty elk. I flew to the side to try to attack, but not to much effect. Soon though, Sadobras managed to get a powerful charge against the creature and to my surprise it shattered like ice. Off road his Elk before we could stop it, but at least some gems and a horn of fog were left behind. Again Erdija was wondering what she had gotten into with us.
The next day we made it to town and sold many of our goods. Once again Sadobras proved his worth, presenting a cursed ring we had found to a magic shop, he let the shopkeep decide its worth. Soon enough the greedy git decided it was a ring of regeneration and offered him a pittance. Sadobras told him he wanted another opinion and went to go. Seeing his fortune leaving he quickly upped the offer and left the shop with a fortune in his pocket. All decided it was likely in our best interest to move onward before a closer examination.
Quickly we reached our destination, the Deepren Crevasse and Artrosia. Tall and mighty the carvings stood above us, rising up 2000’. Maiden, Mother and Crone in their glory and all their hidden secrets awaited. Up the cliff we went as Erdija waved goodbye. Spider climb for most and levitation for Yoska and I. With magic such a climb is easy. With monsters it is hard. Soon enough we were beset by Willow the Wisps. Able to turn invisible and shocking in their touch, again and again they struck at us. Again and again we were frustrated in our attempts to finish them off. Finally, one killed and the others glitterdusted, we resumed our climb….

Andrazku demon
Cold Rider

Pathfinder, Artrosia, Mother Maiden Crone

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Session 21: Reign of Winter, Mother, Maiden, Crone. Ravens, riddles and traps, death and clues. Iobaria! Artrosa beckons, friends with 4 hooves. Onward!!



The Diary of Zaaz Bloodfortune

When we saw the black vortex tearing away at the fabric of our world, I began to understand and question the nature of reality. Now, with more proof of the changing nature of it, the voices grow louder. My mind grows slippery and I begin to see through the smaller world and into the bigger. In one moment we stand in the hut, desperately trying to get it to move, then in the next the world goes blurry, the fabric of the world shifts, and we stand someplace else. A smaller room, a staircase that wasn’t there, a fireplace. Little differences are placed in a list, but similarities as well. Passing strange indeed, but we stand (stood?) in the very hut of Baba Yaga, so who knew what normal was. The keys we used to move the hut are gone and fireflies and moths dance around us.

Babas Hut, Mother Maiden Crone, Reign of Winter, pathfinder
Baba's Hut

Exploring a bit in the hut we came to a strange sight. An elf, unmoving as if stuck in time by a chessboard. By him was a small fay. Sadobras sat down opposite the elf and he began to move again. Tavum and his fay bodyguard had been guesting with Baba Yaga and it frozen mid game of chess about four months before. After questioning him a bit, we left him drinking heavily and moved on down the corridor. Dalomar took the lead and soon reported something that again made me question the nature of reality. Though to all of us the path seemed straight, Dalomar was certain that it was running a curved and twisted path.

When Baba's away, no one gets to play.

 Reign of Winter, pathfinder, Mother Maiden Crone
Baba's chess champion opponent Tavum- frozen in time with his little fey guard.

After a time we came to a room I shall never forget. The sadness I feel as I write this is like a knife to the heart. My companions and I have been through so much, yet we have always managed to make it through, till this. We came to a door with a strange symbol inscribed on it, an arrow pointing down from a half circle. Searching our memories we identified this as Iobarian script and a symbol of twilight. Cautiously entering we were greeted with a strange sight within. It was as if a darkening forest lay before us, dominated by a twisted tree. It's iron seeming branches lit by a glowing fist sized orb. A raven with an amulet flapped down to land on the tree and it spoke to us. This, one of the raven prophets of Baba takes our measure and inquires of our goals. When we tell the creature we are there to try to find Baba Yaga, he sets us a task, "Born twins, they live not, yet they grow until death. Their fates are often tied, ever crescent as the moon, symbols of the warriors pride." It tells us the answer does lay in the chamber beyond and that we should find the answer and bring it to him. Entering the chamber, I do already have inkling to the answer of this riddle. Entering, I quickly see I was correct in my guess and pride had I at my correct summation. A Fiendish boar with its mighty tusks was what awaited us. Massive and quick, it engaged us in battle. In a massive strike Sadobras was rendered unconscious. The rest of us came to his aid concentrating our attacks on the thing. Blow after blow we struck against it and just as we think we are gaining the upper hand, we are suddenly beset by another that had lain hidden. Those terrible tusks, those symbols to destroy our pride, sharp and crescent as the moon, and dripping red with Noname's fate. They tore through him and flung him down to the ground before my eyes. Within moments I was by his side and trying to call healing upon him, but there was no soul left with his corpse. Noname, who we had known for so long, was gone and Repent quickly faded from this realm. I cast slumber onto the beast and finish off the fight. Cut free the tusks to return to the raven I did, but there was no joy in battle won or adversity conquered. Only deep sadness and pain. A vow I did make to myself then. There are spells in this world to bring back those who have moved on. So long as some tiny piece of him remained we would have a chance. Cutting a lock of his hair I did braid and bind it. My power would grow and I would raise him some day or we would find another. If reality is slippery, then Noname would slip the ties of his fate and we would see each other again.

Mother Maiden Crone, Pathfinder, raven oracles, Babas hut, liar seers, pathfinder
The raven oracles, The "Liar Seers"

 Reign of Winter, pathfinder, Mother Maiden Crone, ravens, challenge of strength
Sadobras brought within inches of his life during the test of strength!

Noname killed!!!

Returning the tusks to the raven it thanks us and gives to us the amulet. Powerful in magic it has the rune Dragon writ upon it in that same Iobarian script. "Look for the key where time catches up to us all," the bird tells us and away from us it flew. As we exited the room we find that Tavum and Snory, the elf and fay, have decided to come with us. Tavum is hoping for some kind of bargain with Baba Yaga and has journeyed far. He hopes to find her with us.

The next door is again etched with symbol so we are greeted with the Iobarian symbol for Night. Again as we enter we are greeted by a raven prophet, this one an albino with red eyes. Thick columns stand forth and moonflower vines wind their way around, all lit by a glowing blood red orb. "You did well with the boars," it tells us. "Your strength is of no doubt, but as to your wits we shall see. I mark nights coming, I will mark your end. I run not in fear, I am not your friend." Another riddle to test us and we are directed to drink a silver cup in the grotto. Entering the grotto we find a table set with five cups, before a pool of water. Around the edge of the pool are niches. Each cup was marked with a symbol. They did be mirror, apple, hourglass, Athame, and key. Though my love of the Athame knife tempted me to recommend that cup, we did discuss it and it became clear the only cup that made sense was the hourglass. Sadobras bravely drunk that cup and as he touched it, the symbol from the cup became visible in front of one of the niches. Stone steps rose from the water and Sadobras made his way out. Beneath water dark as a white witches heart, he found a small cage he could not open. Strange magic struck Yoska and he was almost suffocated as we tried various things to find our way forward. Finally, Dalomar drank again from the hourglass cup and entered the water. Using his skill at opening locks he managed to retrieve what we sought and we brought it back to the bird. Again an amulet did we receive and we are told, "You have taken upon yourself a great burden. For what you desire, the changeling holds. You will find the crone only when the moon wanes." Inspecting the amulet we found this one to be inscribed with the symbol for Gold. The bird left us and our path lay clear, for three raven prophets Baba Yaga is known to have.

 Reign of Winter, pathfinder, Mother Maiden Crone
Drink from the proper cup and use the stepping stones or die!

After twilight comes night, after night comes dawn, and the symbol of Dawn is what we found on the next door. Within, another raven spoke to us and said, "You must first convince me of your resolve. Face what I, the herald of the coming day. Each night it visits, sometimes horror, sometimes wonder, sometimes profit. When the dawn wakes it flees. When you face this thing you shall know its desire. In its desire you shall face your own. Only by sharing this desire with me can I bind your fates. Once they are bound, I will be able to see your destiny." The voices in my head cry out at another riddle, but we have little choice. Entering the next room we find a bed and a pale candle. Upon the bed is an odd dark stain. Manifesting by the bed was a creature of nightmare, a ghostly apparition of the 13th daughter of Baba Yaga, Yelizaveta. We talk with this living dream and the rage and anger within it seethes. Striking at Dalomar he sees a vision of Yelizaveta being struck and killed by another older witch. Soon the unthinking and un-chainable fear did seep into Dalomar and he ran as fast as he could away. Through careful argument and manipulation of the thing we were able to soon see the strong desire for revenge. Revenge against Baba Yaga who killed the source of this thing. More though, Yoska was able to learn of its strong desire as well for freedom. Knowledge can be a dangerous thing. When Baba Yaga's children retire they are known to go off and retire to do 'Something else'. Now we know a secret that may be the death of us all. The way the children of Baba Yaga are retired may be a bit more permanent than most imagine. Taking the desires to the bird, we are told, "So be it. Seek now the sisters three who are one. Mother, Maiden, and Crone. Know that the maiden is elusive and may only be caught by the waxing moon." Another riddle to solve and one that is difficult. Are not all women born to be Mother, Maiden, and Crone?

The Witchdaughter's nightmare, pathfinder, Mother Maiden Crone
A challenge of endurance.... She desires freedom and revenge!!

The Witchdaughter's nightmare, Reign of Winter, pathfinder, Mother Maiden Crone
The Witchdaughter's nightmare

Sadobras just a little bit scared....Run Away!!!!

After more exploration we found the door to lead us towards the exit. Guarding the exit we found Ratabor the Bold, once king of these lands and now in long servitude to Baba Yaga. He did betray Baba Yaga to the Frost Giants years before and his bondage is his punishment. Strange his name was to us as his name was pronounced Rat-A-boar and our friend Noname was a rat bored by a boar. Perhaps my reality is becoming even more slippery? Ratobor tells us there is a Centaur city, Vernern, about 1-2 days to the east. Artrosia, a place dominated by a massive statue of a Mother, Maiden, and Crone is to the north. Ratobor also tells us that Baba Yaga keeps valuable secrets at Artrosia and begs us to use them to free him. Also, he does warn us that the climb to Artrosia is guarded by many Wil'o'Wisps.

Ratibor The Bold:  "Hey, how'd you get in here??"

 Reign of Winter, pathfinder, Mother Maiden Crone, Artrosa, Iobaria

The land of Iobaria is located east of the nation of Brevoy, north of the Castrovin Sea. It is considered part of the continent of Casmaron. Human settlers have united the land into an empire a few times, but right now the land is largely wilderness. It is subject to plagues, some of which have destroyed the aforementioned empires.
The Iobarian empire, at its height, stretched from the Icewall, Ice Steppes, and the Lake of Mists and Veils in the north to the Myrfrus River in the east, Mendev (past the Icerime Peaks and Hills of Nomen) to the west, and the Castrovin Sea to the south.
Iobaria is low-density and sparsely populated. About eight of every ten inhabitants live outside cities in settlements that are smaller than hamlets elsewhere. Other, non-human races live as nomads in packs that are smaller than that of an average village.
The Dvezda Marches are a frozen stretch of grassy steppes and untouched wilds that form the northeastern quarter of Iobaria. This unclaimed region is known by many names including the Wilds, the Witchwilds, the Plague Lands, and its old cyclopean name of Old Koloran. The region's current name comes from the Dvezda centaurs who claimed the marches as their territory and united the region's centaur clans before being wiped out by one of the region's many plagues.[1]
Centuars form the majority of the Dvezda Marches' inhabitants, and are divided into dozens of clans of several ethnicities. The Dvezda centaurs once ruled the Marches before being wiped out by a plague. The Rashalka centaurs, considered the most civilized, inhabit the Hoofwood and the surrounding lands. The stocky Azorva centaurs live in the western mountains, and the thick-furred Tsolniva centaurs inhabit the Eastern Ice Steppes.
Ruins of human and cyclopean settlements can be found, but the only humans encountered are usually treasure hunters, explorers, or bandits. Some Iobarian humans did not join in the mass exodus when the plagues struck, and their nomadic descendants continue to wander the eastern steppes in communities of fewer than 100 souls. These nomads, called plague folk by outsiders, refuse to settle in one place, and consider gathering in large groups a taboo for fear of catching a plague, instead following herd animals in their large, animal-skin tents, scrounging resources from the barren lands, and, on occasion, committing banditry upon unwary outsiders.

Leaving the hut we were beset by a band of Frost Giants. Angry at this assault and needing to take out frustration at the loss of our friend, we made quick work of them. The fact that many of them were kicked by a giant walking hut did help, but all of us managed to contribute. They seemed quite susceptible to slumber hexes and lightning. 

Giants ambush the party as they attempt to leave the hut!

Headed towards the Centaur city we met a group of them that keeps an eye on Baba's hut. There we were led to Korak Kaag, their leader, and learned they were scouts for the Reshalka tribe. Sadobras was highly enamored of the Centaurs as their power of charging is that of legends. Gifting the leader with a generous gift, Korak Kaag assigned us the services of Erdija to be our guide. She seems very capable and has begun teaching me the speech of the Iobarians. Additionally, Sadobras was gifted with a trained Warg, a powerful ally and possible mount.

Centaurs patrolling Hoofwood, Iobaria, Pathfinder
Centaurs patrolling Hoofwood

Korak Kaag
Erdija, the new guide to Artrosia, Baba Yaga, Reign of Winter, Pathfinder
Erdija, the new guide to Artrosia

Onward we journey towards Vernern. There we hope to restock our supplies and prepare for whatever we will encounter at Artrosia in the Deepren Crevasse. On and on this journey goes. My magic blossoms and my companions grow mighty in their strength, but the risks have become more clear. Death in pain and agony may visit any of us. I am trying not to obsess on what we might find at Atrosia, but it is a place of legend to those who know of Baba Yaga. The secrets within call to me and may provide a way to the power to bring Noname back. I just hope no more of us shall die in gathering it and I hope that I can keep my motives pure. To have the power of a mighty witch like Baba Yaga for myself though... Even the voices within me quake and quiver at that thought.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Tavum's Journal


Twenty thousand nine hundred and fifty one bottles of wine. I finally reach a little hut; it stood in the open field turning on chicken legs. 
I open the door and enter the hut. “Fie, fie” says Baba Yaga the bony legged.
“Are you here of your own free will or by compulsion my good gray elf? You are very far from your Mordand spire.”

I was born on the spire. I have traveled the world and planes and then my brightness became clear. My brightness was to find you, my name is Tavum and this is my honor guard Snorri.
We would like to rent a room and I would like to play chess with you for 1 hour a day everyday.
Baba looked curious, so I presented my gifts:
Cured meats from a 1000 different creatures.
A sentient broom made from the branch of the first worlds first tree, with the bristles made from the beard of a baby storm giant.
A pestle carved from white oak from the plane of shadow, soaked in the blood of a creature from each outer plane. Abaddon, the Abyss, Elysium, Heaven, Hell, Limbo, Nirvana, Purgatory, and Utopia.
And finally ambrosia seasoned with a single tear of an eldest.

Baba quickly picked up the gifts to examine, and the room started spinning.  I drank more wine till the room calmed down. The room never calmed down, but I did wake up in a bed.
In a new room, ones with shelves of games and books. Clutched in my hand is a lease contract I signed, a 1 YEAR! Contract.  Traako! I only have 6 gallons of wine left.

Day 7 in the hut (plus 4 months)
I was playing Baba, and was having my best game yet. Then Baba vanished and a strange group of ”invited” thieves appeared. Seems Baba put me in some fort of time field, I wonder how many times she has done this.
So I think they are thieves as my shirt buttons suddenly became undone, my coin pouch on the floor my bags were riffled through and I have missing items. Now Baba is missing, taken by her 14th daughter the thieves claim.  30 years gone, now I have to find her again.

I got them to leave me alone in my room for a bit, I was able to send a message to Orsig.
The group soon came back with their ratfolk companion dead, the Azata was missing as well.
Oh and the tattoo man was wearing the little ratfolks tunic now! I best tread carefully, I will be as helpful as I can be if they are truly interested in finding Baba Yaga.  Hopefully these thieves do not kill, rape and rob me.  When I find out who took my arrow I am gonna drop them through the first portal to Abbadon I find.

Now time for wine Twenty thousand nine hundred and seventy five.

Day 8
Wine twenty thousand nine hundred and seventy six.
My fortune arrow still has not returned.
I have realize with great dread the humans are Varisians, some of the worst of human kind.  Thieves scoundrels and cutthroats, they see every living creature as a walking coin purse just waiting to be slit open and drained of whatever wealth they can scavenge from it.

They were bound by Baba Yaga's black rider on his last breath to find and help Baba Yaga.
Orsig, Snorri and I think this may be our advantage to staying alive.  They are bound to fin Baba, 
and I have actually met Baba.  I will use these Varisian moths to find Baba Yaga and hope their binding will prevent them from killing me.

We met with the hut's guardian, I was greatly surprised the Varisian moths did not kill and rob him.
They showed restraint today and actually seemed like they will help them. Probably a ploy to rob him injury to themselves.

Human babbling is so annoying, I opened the front door stepped onto the porch and was struck with a frost giants ax.  Luckily it was a glancing blow and only broke half my ribs. 

Snorri flew out of the hut to confront the giant, he saw 7 in total and yelled a challenge to all of them.
The hut animated and started squishing and eating the giants.  The consumed giants would appear inside the room and Varisians descended upon them like a pack of wild magical dogs.
Snorri told me he killed one giant so hard it rose as a zombie and nearly killed him. 

The witch keeps offering to touch and “heal” me.  I am certain she wishes to curse scar me then control me with her voodoo hair puppets.

We finally head north an run into a group of centaurs. Disgusting creatures nothing natural about them surely they were created as a joke by some mad god.  What idiot elf taught these creatures Elven, it should be a crime to teach the superior language to such addle minded creatures.  It will surely make them sterile if they keep speaking it.

Try to be nice Tavum, you do not want to get trampled.  
I spoke with the leader and it seems to accept us.  I gave him applejack cider. Snorri said horses love apples.  The leader looked confused about the cider, these primitives do not even know what alcohol is!  I tried to marry off the midget Varisian, but it failed.
These backwards horsemen gave him a worg instead. I refuse to learn anymore about their marriage customs.  

The centaurs are sending a scout with us to the next city and then to the Baba Yaga colossus statues.
As for now, I am stuck in a communal tent with the moths.  


Honor guard Snorri

Mother Maiden Crone, Baba Yaga, Pathfinder
A happy Baba with her new pestle carved from white oak from the plane of shadow and soaked in the blood of a creature from each outer plane.