Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Reign of Winter #30: Back in Baba's hut: cute little garden, alien assholes and merchants, dragonkin and battles on a far off planet called Triaxus!

Diary of Zaaz Bloodfortune

Ready we were to head back to the hut, yet is not hard work justifiably rewarded with some time of leisure? Not for us it seems. Strife seems to follow us at every turn and nothing seems to come easily. Still, hard work seems to have its rewards. My patron has once again rewarded me with more power and spells. New hexes and tricks with which to fight, torture, and begile.

Returning to Hooftown we spread word of the killing of the White Dragon and for three days the drinks flowed like a river. Fun and frolic and pleasures of the flesh were our reward. Three days to repair our equipment and search for more supplies to help on our future journeys. For three days the itching in the back of our minds we did try to ignore, to drown in fine drink, yet the pull would not be ignored. The gaes of the black rider forced us on and ensured us no real time of rest.

Packing up and saying goodbye to new friends we returned to the hut. There a sullen Ratibor greeted us again. Yet soon, that sullen attitude was gone as I had learned the ritual to free him of his servitude. Baba will likely not be happy with me for loosing her doorman, but surely he had served his time. Into the caldron we put the dragon scale and nugget I had retrieved at the cost of years and in moments the hut disappeared.

The room we were standing in had been transformed into a gazebo in a place of strange nature. Clouds in the sky above seemed oddly fake an in the distance walls of glass could be seen. Paths wandered off in arounds ways and a wooded area was to one side. A garden, a small shed, and five greenhouses were close at hand. A tinny muted sound of thunder called our and water began falling on parts of the forest.

The fragrance of the garden was intoxicating and I quickly went over to look. Within was every kind of useful herb and plant a witch could ever want. I had paid good coin for far worse quality than was before me. I knelt down and began cutting a sample to refill my herb pouch. Sadobras moved over to inspect a well he had noticed, while Dalomar launches his strange mechanical owl to scout. Snori flew into the shack and soon the sounds of things being broken comes from within. Eventually, Snori comes out and lets us know of various defoliants and potions within that may or may not be now useable.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Snori moves over to explore a mount of bushes off to one side and is promptly attacked by a giant carnivorous plant. I think I had previously seen a smaller version of the plant eating flies in a swampy area. This thing is certainly much larger. It’s mouth closes on Snori’s leg, holding him in place. Taking a break from my harvesting, I shoot a bolt of lightning at the creature, not much caring if I hit the plant or the troublesome flit. As my lightning had little effect, Dalomar moved up and cut Snori lose. Just as I’m wondering how we’ll finish the creature off, Yoska shows us all a trick he’s recently learned. With a quick chant and gesture, he creates the proper pattern and seems to shimmer with energy. There is a sudden zzzittt sound and becomes a bolt of lightning that strikes through the creature, then once more becoming Yoska. The creature smokes from the bolt, which did well more than my poor attack. Before it can recover, Sadobras and his warg slam into it. Almost simultaneously, Tavum and Gretta strike with arrow and javelin. Seeing Dalomar was ready to strike at it again, I cast a hex of luck upon him. Before he could strike, the green gobbler tried to pull him in. Finally, Yoska manages to slice it in half with his sword. Snori is pulled free of the creature and I cast healing upon those who had been hurt.

Peace once again returned, I went back to my harvesting only to have it interrupted again as Sadobras is attacked by some sort of shambling mound. Making quick work of that, I would have thought that everyone had the sense to leave well enough alone, but of course now. Snori flew into the woods and managed to shoot a Treant. He tries to apologize, but made the mistake of mentioning Baba yaga. Racing back towards us with the angry tree in tow, I call a bolt of lightning down upon it. Yosaka moves up with Gretta and strike at it. Snori moves to attack and gets hit as he tries to harass it. Tavum, studying the tree and its sickly appearance calls forth a healing on it, restoring the trees sanity. Dawnbark, now healed talks with us. Evidently, he had been fooled by Baba who invited him to live in Paradise. A paradise it is in some ways, but one with a light that slowly drives him insane. He won’t help us directly, but he does warn us of moonflowers by the path leading towards a house in the distance.

Once again, I go back to my harvesting and once again Snori is the cause of most trouble. Yes, spirits I know we should tie him up. Dalomar mentions that bubu the owl saw a strange cat on a tree stump in one area. Snori, curious as ever flew over and talked with it. The cat tells him it was the familiar of Yelizaveta, but that her mistress disappeared. Yelizaveta, of course, being the queen before the current queen and child of Baba Yaga. The cat seems to have problems and falls over. Snori investigates and is promptly attacked by a mass of tentecles that fly out of the stump. Dalomar comes up to Snori’s aid and manages to confuse the writhering mass. Sadobras on his ward ride by, striking hard with his lance. Sighing, I stood up from my harvesting, dusted off my knees, and flew over towards the fight. Greeted by the sight of Dalomar held by the neck and Yoska casting a ray of enfeeblement on it, I realize it’s a great chance to try a new spell grrr has granted me. Calling forth magic and energy I draw a circle in the air. Bending the barriers I call forth a Cuestodaemon to do my bidding. Frustratingly though, before it can do more than start to join the fight, Tavum strikes with his bow and it dies.

Having a few moments left on the summoning, I send the Cuestodaemon off towards the house mentioned by the Treant. Going just a little ways down the path it is quickly set upon by Moonflowers. Now, I have long been an admirer of flowers. As a witch, I have certainly dreamed of finding a nice place in my dotage to raise flowers and herbs of all kinds. However, I don’t even want to consider what kind of fertilizer Baba Yaga uses to grow plants like these. Huge and with long reach, a swarm of these mighty plants advanced on us. Yoska blasted the group with a fireball, killing one, but the rest advance. Getting close, the one in the front stopped and with a sudden pulsing blasted the lot of us with very bright light, blinding Yoska. Drawing Emberchill, my sickle of magical ice, I call forth the ice storm within on two of them. Another burst of light and Sadobras is also dazzled while Tavum, Gretta, and I manage to finish off the ones remaining.

Deciding that perhaps a bit more caution is necessary, Dalomar decides to scout out the house. Within, on one side of the entryway he finds a person searching through a room. Opening desk drawers and such he looks innocuous. Strangely enough, while Dalomar saw this person as a strange creature, Snori saw it as a human. The rest of us moved up to see what was happening. Talking a bit with him, he told us he’d like us to meet his master. After calling for his master, Dalomar, seeing him for the twisted being he was, attacked and did minor damage. Calling out again a bit louder, “Denizen of Leng!” we could hear movement elsewhere in the house. Striking at Snori, he was knocked hard. The door in the hallway opens and out steps an old man. The old man waves his hands and soon Gretta is staring fascinated at a pattern that persists in the air. Knowing this can be no ordinary old man I strike with a hex of agony, truly a fearsome magic, but to no effect. The old man seems to be able to resist my power. Sadobras and Dalomar both attack, while the Denizen of Lang casts confusion that seems to effect Gretta. Yoska moves up and looks in the door the old man came out of and starts screaming like a little girl, “Moooooooon Beeaaaaaasstt!”

Wondering to myself, what in the world is a moon beast, I try casting a hex on the original one we encountered, but again to no effect. Snori, strangely effective for once manages to locate several arrows with holy water tips and uses them to kill the original foe. Sadobras also manages to hit the one in the hallway. A Fireball comes out of the room and strikes at all of us while Gretta, shaking off the confusion, manages to charge and push the Denizen into the room with the moon beast. Yoska moves up to support her while Sadobras manages to find enough space to charge. Just as things are starting to look in our favor, the moon beast casts a spell at Gretta, telling the dominated warrior “I am your only true friend. Kill the others!” I manage to cast sleep upon her before she can do much damage to us and soon we’ve managed to kill off the two foes. Looking through their things we find that one had a rather large gem. When looked at closely, it appeared to have a small person inside. Deciding to wait a bit on investigating this, we put the gem away.

We began to explore the house and soon realize that it is just another version of the hut. Upstairs we find the cracked bowl with the hens egg, a pitcher, and cauldron. From the porch windows we can see a strange and different vista. Soon a raven appears to us and tells us that baba has gone on to see her only son, but left breadcrumbs behind, if the breadcrumbs we can find. At our feet he drops a stuffed 2 headed eagle, an iron spur, and a drinking horn. Then he also drops in another pile an elephant tusk, a small hand mirror, and a bearskin rug. Once he drops the items, the raven disappears and once again I curse the vagueness that seems to go hand and hand with being or dealing with witches.

The hut in its current state now fully explored we bring things back to the gem. Breaking it open we are confronted by a very tall, blue, creature of a species we don’t recognize. Introducing himself as Zalvazaraat, he tells us he’s a merchant that travels the various dimensions and offers us the pick of some of his items in thanks for freeing him. Instead, we work a deal with him to sell some of our goods for us at a good price and he gives us a way to call for him should we need to buy or sell more. It won’t be instant, but having our own personal merchant should make the travel a bit easier.

Soon, we all exit the hut and make our way up to high ground, to try to get an idea of where we are. Gretta and I notice that the local plant life is not familiar to us at all. We must have travelled quite a ways I imagine. When we get to the top of the hill we notice the sun is low in the sky, indicating that we are perhaps quite far north. With little warning a red dragon flies overhead and we all prepare for battle. It lands off to the side and we notice someone on top of it. The dragon also seems to wield a halberd. Getting closer we see the rider is actually a dragon-kin. Eventually we are able to communicate and learn that she doesn’t even recognize humans at all. Through our talking we learn that she calls this world Triaxis and that there is a major war going on.

While talking there is mention of the Iron Spur and two headed eagle we received and it takes some luck and diplomancy to bring things back to friendly terms. Luckily Sadobras and Bescaylie get along well and we learn that she and her mount, Efrixis, are looking for reinforcements. Her keep, Spurhorn, one of the outposts of the alliance referred to as the SkyFire Mandate, is under attack by Drakeland forces under General Malacinder, a silver dragonkin, and in dire need of help. Her commander actually has a two headed eagle as well which leads us to believe the clues from the raven have led us to her.

We made arrangements to go with her to the keep the next day after we have had a chance to prepare. Back at the hut, Tavum tells us that Snori is going off for retraining for a few days. The next day we head over to the peak again and cast fly to try to race past the defenders. Unfortunately due to magic being used, a teleport just won’t work. On our way in we are attacked first by a group of Frost Drakes and then by a group of Cuestodaemons. The first group, the Frost Drakes are not too difficult aside from ice blasts. Slumber works quite well and knocks one from the sky. Yoska, Gretta, Sadobras, and Dalomar also rampage through the group. The Cuestodaemons with their ability to dispel the fly spells on us are much more difficult. At one point Tavum falls from the sky, but I manage to catch him. He imbues me with shadow strength to help me carry him. The feeling of the strength is so intoxicating that I almost conteptuaously call agony down upon one and knock him from the fight. Yoska and Gretta taking out one and Efrixes and Biscale turning another into a red mist, we break through the defenders and head on towards the keep….

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Like reading Zaaz’s diary entries? Read the book inspired by the character:

Eli Selig's book Witch in Winter, Pathfinder, Reign of Winter inspired story

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Reign of Winter #29: The keys to the hut secured, Demon worshiping centaur Vsevolod defeated, necklace of bone devil and centaur carcasses for a white dragon!

Diary of Zaaz Bloodfortune

Another chapter of my life is done. As the maiden becomes the mother, as the mother becomes the crone, this journey has seen me enter the midpoint of my life. Though I have often called upon the threefold aspect of the crone, inside I still always felt myself the maiden. I knew with a thought I could banish the trappings of the elderly me and return to what once was, but no more. No, Artrosia has aged me and I will never again know the true innocence of youth.
We started the day with a quick trip back to town, my magic making it the work of a moment. Our goal for the trip was to see what we could learn of the Pit and if any preparation would aid us. In town we asked around and went to see a centaur priest of Abadar, the powerful Procalarenti. Trading some wealth to her to help the poor of the town, in thanks she cast a spell of divination, but with no effect. The gods were silent on what we needed or some magic of the place defied the call for help. Thanking her for trying we went about our business selling our loot and asking after age related spells. Direct to the bar a drink we shared with one of the Centaur Druids. To him I described the battle we had with the bloody centaur priest and learned that it had been a centaur priest of legend and good riddance for his evil. He and I discussed the pit and what I might encounter, but little help he could give besides his best wishes. A curse of age he felt it would be and little that could protect against it.

This is what I learned of the centaur priest:

Born the only son among the children of the high chieftain of the largest clan of Tsolniva centaurs in the Ice Steppes, Vsevolod was destined to succeed his father as ruler of his clan. On Vsevolod's fifteenth birthday, he rode off with a band of warriors under the command of his older sister Myrkara.  The centaurs marched deep into the Ice Steppes to drive back an encroaching horde of frost giants, but during the raid, a violent blizzard drove down from the north, separating the centaurs. Some were fortunate enough to escape, but others became stranded and hopelessly lost­ including Vsevolod.  Days after the blizzard broke, the giants hunted down stragglers and slaughtered them mercilessly. Vsevolod hid among the dead, and when his food ran out he was forced to eat the flesh of his own slain kin. Eventually, even the corpses ran out, and he resigned himself to death. Yet when the spring thaw came, Vsevolod had by some miracle survived.
Almost a year later, Vsevolod found his way back to his clan, though things had changed. His father had died, and without a male heir the leadership of the clan had passed to Myrkara. To protect her new position, Myrkara immediately accused her brother of working with the frost giants to ambush the Tsolniva warband. How else could Vsevolod have survived the winter, if not for the aid of the giants? Myrkara was well spoken, and her eloquent words swayed the clan elders, who sided with their new chieftain. Vsevolod was branded a traitor and kin-slayer and exiled into the wilderness.
Seething with rage at his sister's betrayal-for was it not she who had abandoned him to the blizzard?Vsevolod headed north to where he'd endured his long ordeal, looking for some kind of sign. What he found was a lone frost giant encamped at the site. The giant, a priest of Kostchtchie named Geflaugr, greeted Vsevolod as a brother and said he'd been waiting for the centaur's arrival. Geflaugr invited Vsevolod to share the camp and tell his story, promising that Kostchtchie had great things in store for the exiled centaur.With nothing to lose,Vsevolod shared his tale with the frost giant, and by the end of the night he had become Geflaugr's disciple. If Vsevolod couldn't find acceptance among his own people, then perhaps he would find it with the source of his condemnation.
Vsevolod was adopted into the frost giant tribe, and learned the brutal tenets of his newfound faith. The following spring, Vsevolod led the giants in a savage raid upon his old village. In revenge for his exile, Vsevolod put to the sword those men of his clan who had sided with his sister Myrkara, and any who refused to convert to Kostchtchie's worship, and enslaved the clan's remaining women. But he saved his most savage vengeance for Myrkara herself. Before her eyes, Vsevolod killed her sisters, husband, and children in a bloody sacrifice to his demonic patron. He then entombed his sister in a cave of ice with their bodies. As Myrkara had abandoned Vsevolod to the blizzard and forced him into cannibalism, so would she be buried alive in the ice, forced to eat the corpses of those she had loved most if she wanted to survive.  She screamed "Khaaaaaaaaannnnn!" as he sealed her within the cave.  

When Geflaugr died not long after, Vsevolod was appointed the tribe's war-priest. The centaur became infamous throughout the Ice Steppes for his brutal raids and the bloody sacrifices of both his enemies and his allies, all in the name of Kostchtchie and vengeance. 

Reign of Winter, Mother Maiden Crone, Vsevolad

Returning back to my companions I discussed the task at hand and decided if the task be done, best to be done quickly. Down I flew into the pit, quick as I could, immediately feeling the magic striking at me. First, I could feel myself aging as I went. My body changed as I flew, hips aching as they readied for womanhood, face losing many of the remaining trappings of youth. From the young maiden I grew to the girl on the edge of womanhood. Then a ripping at my mind that I fought and struggled against. I centered myself and focused on my purpose, faster and faster I went down the spiral and to the bottom of this place. There at the bottom I found a single dragon scale, glowing with magic. Fast as I could I grabbed it up, but once again I could feel myself grow older. Gone now all the trappings of the maiden. My bosom grown, my hips ready for a child, my face lush with knowledge of the flesh. A woman ripe and in her power was I. As a part of me processed this change in my body I readied to cast a spell again as I felt the magic once again tearing at my mind. Again I tried to focus my defenses, but this time something ripped lose. Before it could take me away I finished the spell and stepped through the dimension door and back to my companions.

I held up the scale in triumph and then began to scream. The voices in my head I had heard so long screamed for their freedom and I was lost. First one spirit within grabbed control of this shell, then another. Insanity is a word that distills the incomprehensible horror of reality torn to something people can understand. I cannot begin to describe the horrors my spirit experienced. Even now it brings me to the edge of becoming a gibbering wretch. I am simply lucky my companions realized I was not of my right mind. The spirit in control began to call down terrible magic upon my friends and quickly they put me to sleep before I could hurt anyone.

What happened next I describe from my companions accounts. Tavum quickly went off his own way, claiming he could bring back magic that would restore me to my right mind. The rest of us, feeling we were done with Artrosia began the trek back to town. At the bottom of the hill we me Sancho, Don’s companion who was waiting with the rest of his arms and armor. 

 Just as we began the trip, with little notice, we were set upon by the white dragon we had heard resided in these parts. Swooping down he snatched Don from his steed and began to fly back to his lair. Snori, tiny creature he is, was able to grab on to the dragon and ride along with it as it flew off. Yoska let loose a fireball, offset to burn the wing, but though hurt the dragon went on. Dalomar also used his own to follow after to try to track the beast.

Snori worked his way up the dragon to its neck and did something that shows that sometimes insanity can be a benefit. Taking heavy rope he carefully tied two of the items he had shrunk together and tossed them to either side of the dragon’s neck. Releasing the magic, suddenly the dragon found itself carrying not only Don the Paladin and Snori the annoying, but also the heavy and massive carcasses of a Bone Devil and a dead centaur. Unable to keep itself airborne and panicking, the dragon dropped Don and Snori immediately used his shrink spell on him. As the dragon plummeted from the sky, struggling to remove the massive burden from its neck, Snori shot down, grabbed Don, and slowed his fall. The dragon managed to free itself as it crashed, but still sustained much damage. Done with this unexpected turn, the dragon flew off back to its lair, unsuspecting that Dalomar’s Owl still tracked it.

Don thanked Snori and the two headed back to the party, Snori telling Don that he now owes him his middle name. The Owl followed the dragon back to his lair and stashed itself carefully where Dalomar would be able to find him later. The group headed on back to town and there met Tavum who through the use of a scroll of heal was able to bring me back to myself. I was now older and wiser and raw inside my mind from the experience. That night I spent time on reflection and discussion with Grr on all that had happened in the lair of Baba Yaga. I had become much more powerful in my short there and spells were open to me that I would never have imagined being able to cast. Though the lore I had hoped to garner there was minimal at best, perhaps just the experience of her lair was the reward I searched for.
The next morning we gathered our things and said goodbye to Sancho and Don. Though facing a dragon would be a serious temptation for any adventurer, we knew Don simply wasn’t ready yet for the task. Following the path Dalomar’s Owl and set us on, we traveled to the lair. Along the way we needed to skirt a group of Taiga giants. The party of them had captured and hung from a pole a Centaur who, from the colors of his clothing we recognized was probably from the town. Going invisible I flew quietly up to the prisoner. Then, activating my dimension door made good our escape. The Taiga giants searched for our party, but quickly we were away.
At the lair, we retrieved Dalomar’s owl and then made our way into the cave. Cold and craggy, stinking with the fetid stench of dragon and carrion, we made our way in. Snori and Dalomar took the point again, stealthily making their way to the massive cave that held the creature. Still nursing its woulnds from Snori and Yoska, the beast hung in the back of its cave. Springing to the attack, Dalomar let loose at it. Snori, casting dancing lights, signaled to us that the battle was begun. The fear inducing bellow of rage from the beast was more than enough signal by itself, I thought. Moving forward and calling my magic, I spread a circle of ash upon the floor and began to call forth a Cuestodaemon to do my bidding. Dalomar attacked again, but to little effect. Yoska ran forward and summoned light for us to see by. Sadobras and his warg raced forward into the cave, moving like the wind, and let a bullet fly from his sling. Tavum moved forward bringing his arrows to bear as Snori somehow turned his sword into a sword of Dragons Bane. Clawing its way from the pits of another dimension, my Cuestodaemon in its firey malevolence rose from the ground. Ordering it to do battle with the white dragon, I could see its eyes fill with the joy of battle. It raced off to attack. The dragon adjusted its position and blasted Snori and Dalomar with cold. Snori certainly leads a charmed life as he kicked up a stone to take most of the damage. Blasting the Dragon with a lightning bolt from across the cave, it doesn’t seem to harm the beast, the spell not getting through its inate protection. Tavum shoots the dragon again with a fire arrow and then before the dragon knows what is happening Sadobras charges it again. His weapon slams into the dragon skewering it and ending its life. With a cry of rage the Cuestodeamon shoots fire towards the ceiling in frustration at the lack of battle, then fades away as I banish it back to whence it came.

For hours we carved the dragon up, taking pieces to eat and sell. Snori shrank its entire head to bring as trophy and proof of our deeds. Grr did feast upon its flesh till the greedy gut was sleepy and sated. Once done we headed back to town and once again encountered the Taiga giants. Hiding the centaur we approached them and offered to trade them the dragon head for what treasure they carried. The Taiga giants in the area known for being mortal enemy to the dragon, we know they would revel in its death. Still, they were reluctant to trade with us, so I used my charm hexes on them to make them a bit more pliable. In the end, they traded us the gold and a few magic items they carried in exchange for the head, parts of the body, and a promise to keep a box from Snori that they must not open for a year.

Now we are ready to head back to the hut of Baba Yaga and I do not know if we are really any closer to finding her. Battles we have fought, mostly and won. Knowledge and power we have grown, but where is the crone? Where is the witch we are quested to seek. I suspect our journey is not over, merely entering another chapter…..

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Reign of Winter #28: Hired guns, soup's on, shadows, Vsevolod and Svathurim! Bebolith!!!

The diary of Zaaz Bloodfortune

As a witch of the good, I feel I need to try to make the world a better place.   However, the chaos within all things also speaks to me.   The tough part is to try not to listen to those things that, no matter how evil they may be at first glance, seem to make a lot of sense.  For example, currently, the voice of chaos within me tells me that capturing Snori, turning him into a stew, and then serving it to Tauvem is something quite reasonable.   Now, I will certainly admit that I have in the past tried to trick Snori into indulging in a small love potion or two, with the express goal of having a bit of humor while doing some… ahem… research...   That however, has nothing on this latest “joke” of his that may very well get a strange crazy man killed.
We had been about to leave the room when suddenly a man in full, though quite shabby, armor came running in.   Lobbing two vials of holy water at the party he turned to me and asked, “Are you Zaaz?”  Having hit us with nothing damaging, we decided to investigate instead of ending him.   A simple sleep spell and down he went.  When we woke up we found that Snori, on his visit to town with me, had left a note saying that I was a prisoner of Demons and that there was a reward to free me.  In fact, Snori did pay him, once he woke from our spell, a princely 5,000 gold pieces.   For such a fee we received the assistance of a lowly Paladin that has obviously been God touched if you know what I mean.  Of course I didn’t realize quite how crazy he was.   Figuring we could always use more help I offered to pay him a bit to come with us.   Surely, with Snori paying him so much he must be worth it.  Soon enough though it became clear how far below us he is.  Calling himself Don Keehoetee and from Credorn in Iboria, he has no business being in Artrosia.   Truly he must be called by a god in that he managed to navigate the halls filled with powerful creatures and did find us.

Wasting no more time we decided that if he came along he would at least be useful in providing another target… I mean warrior against the horrors ahead.   Dalomar moved forward and into the next room and called us forward to see a strange sight.  In the next room a cauldron stood bubbling and steaming, surrounded by a ring of runes.   The runes read, “Spice is the Variety of Life”.  Beside the cauldron was a table with a stained ladle and six glass jars.  The jars were labeled Delicious, Hagbalm, Witches Kiss, Devils Dung, Dream Spice, and Alacorn root.  I move up beside Dalomar and looked, when suddenly a Mihstu came out of the bubbling mixture.  The thing appeared to be just a white smoke, but it shot tentacles out at us that were decidedly not mist.  As Dalomar moved out of range in a flipping, spinning, jump, the tentacles shot forward to grab me.   Don ran up and swung his rusty sword at the beast, but didn’t seem to cause it any harm.  Soon enough he joined me in my struggle to escape.  Having had enough of this, Yoska moved up and quickly finished it off.
I shook myself and healed minor wounds suffered by Don and I, then looked again at the spices.   The rest thought me crazy, but I knew I needed to try the spices out.  In short order I discovered that by combining the various items one could make a sleep agent, a poison, a healing draught, some other kind of healing, and a last that just made me feel tingly and good all over. 
While I was busy with the cauldron, Dalomar continued to scout and soon enough a group of Shadows burst in to the room to attack us.   This gave me another reason to consider if I should kill Snori.   It seems that the lead shadow took one look at Tauvem and told the other shadows, “Leave that one alone for he seeks Count Renalc.”   If anything can speak for evil character, it would be a Shadow saying to leave you alone. 

We battled the Shadows, but their touch was draining.  Sadobras was hit and lost much of his strength.   The battle raged back and forth with Yoska killing one and Tauvum offering Gretta a ghost touch sword to help.  Their manuvers put three in a line and I was able to use my lighting bolt to good effect.  Yoska was then attacked by the Greater Shadow and almost killed.  We finished them off, but the battle left damages not easy to heal.   A Scroll of Lesser restoration helped to heal Yoska’s strength.  Then, a notion hit me and I gave Gretta some of the witches kiss and devils dung mixture that had made me feel tingly.   It helped restore Gretta some, though not to full strength.
Dalomar went and scouted again, finding a room with Stalactites and Stalagmites.  The ceiling is far above and a cryptic rune is carved in the floor.  It seems to be something to hold a prisoner in.  Decided to check it out later he moved on.  Next, he found a door with a rune in Iobarian that said, “As the seasons of life change, so we must sacrifice the past for the wisdom of our years.”  Going down farther, Dalomar found a Glyph trap on the stair.   Analyzing it he realized it was probably a ritualistic glyph for a croneing ritual.  A glyph that connects to a chain of glyphs to a purpose. 
Moving forward I examined the Glyphs and realized he was correct, it was a croning ritual.   Looking at each, I made the decision to move forward.
Stepping over the first I declared, “I Zaaz Bloodfortune sacrifice my youth to the three that are one.”
Stepping over the next I declared, “I, Zaaz Bloodfortune, sacrifice my fertility to the three that are one.”
Continuing on, I stripped away the pieces of my past and walked the stages of youth, fertility, strength, and life till I got to the end.  Once completed, I felt a great peace within and a connection to Baba.   Though we may be very different and she quite harsh, she still honored the same understanding of life that all Witches should.
My companions followed my example and made their way beyond the trap.  Going past the door at the end, we came into a room that again made me realize the power of Jadranka and her illusions.  A great cornfield spread beyond the door under a dark and moonlit sky.  Dead ravens littered the ground and Jadranka stood before us.   Telling us that she had “Renewed faith in us because of the dreams of the rider that Dalomar had.  She tells us of the Giants, Centaurs, and Demons that had taken over the pit.  She charges us to destroy them and disappears again.
Dalomar scouted forward again and we followed.  Coming to the mangled corpse of a bone devil, Snori used his shrink skill to carry the body with him.  Scared to think of what that little beast will do with it.  On we went to a door almost off its hinges and we found a pair of frost giants standing over the remains of a golem.  Snori, as usual flys over and stabs one before we can stop him forcing the battle to begin.  Yoska, taking advantage of the distraction, runs up and stabs one of the Giants.   Blood runs in a river from its wounds in one of the most massive attacks I’ve yet seen.  Calling down sleep on one I put my hexes to good use.   Sadobras moves up and finishes off the one Yoska wounded, leaving only the sleeping one.  Coordinating our attacks we all hit the sleeping giant at the same time and finish it off. 
Beyond them is a door that we can’t seem to open.  Tauvem and Snori step into the Shadow realm and move through to the other side.  Beyond they saw a massive room with parts distant enough in the darkness to hide what lay there.  Close by though was a Centaur covered in blood.  Some sort of war priest he turned his terrible gaze on Snori and Tauvem and told them, “You should not be here,” and threw a blindness spell at Tauvem.  He shrugged it off, but then was hit by three massive arrows out of the darkness.  Snori healed him a bit and he managed to shadow walk back out the room.  Seeing Tauvem’s condition and knowing Snori was alone, I had a serious moral decision to make.   It would certainly be possible to have confidence in my party member’s ability to escape and evade, take my time healing Tauvem, and then see if Snori was ok.   Or, I could try to get the rest of the party in to help.  

Reign of Winter, Mother Maiden Crone, final battle against Vsevolod and Svathurim for control of Artrosia

A spell I know that blinks one back and forth between the ethereal and material planes was what I cast.  Though Snori may be difficult to deal with, he was travelling with us and had occasionally managed to help.  Stepping through the door I tried to work loose the axe haft that ran through the door handles holding it shut, but my strength was not enough.  Sadobras cast stone shape, removing the stone around the door and allowing Gretta to push the entire thing inwards.  The rest of the party comes in and just in time.  Snori cast dancing lights off in the distant part of the cave and we can see meniers surrounding a pit with some sort of disturbance in the air above it.  This had to be the pit of Eons I said to myself.  Coming towards us from that side of the room was a disturbing site.  Some kind of monsterous Frost Giant/Centaur hybrid with eight legs strode our way.  Thinking through the creatures of the north I had heard of I realized it was a Svathirum. 

I moved forward to get in range of the priest and tried to hit him with an evil eye to little effect.   Sadobras quickly gets hit and goes down.  The Svathirum charges Don, who has moved up to defend me, and I to the ground.  Still judging the war priest the harder opponent I cast a spell of Enervation against him.   It takes effect, yet seems to do little.  Dalomar spring attacks into the room, striking at the Svathirum, damaging it, and somehow bewildering it as well.  Yoska hits the priest with an improved shocking grasp as the Svathirum lets loose a strange attack that leave Gretta encased in ice.  A hit against me and soon I’m also down.  The next thing I know the battle is over and I learn that Sadobras had used his feather token to spring for the tree for cover and maneuver.  Yoska once again saved the day by finishing the creatures off.  After we found a massive pile of gold.  The magic I had hoped for may not be here, but with over 22,000 pieces of gold, perhaps I can buy what I want.
Tired from the battles we decide to rest and regain our spells before we move on.   Jadranka once again appears and again with words of praise.  Of the pit she can tell us little except that we will need to persevere and be strong of body.  Before she leaves I manage to trade a few spells, familiar to familiar, so at least.
Reign of Winter, Pathfinder adventure path, Mother Maiden Crone, battle against the bebilith

In the morning, rested and ready we decided to go back and take on the room with the sealing rune on it first.  Entering in we had no idea what it held back.  Rows and stalagtites and stalagmites dot the floor and ceiling, many strangely have their tops shorn off.  We moved a bit into the room and were attacked by a massive Bebilith spider.  Giving me a quick bite, my flesh began to melt and burn.  With little strength left after the massive bite I know I have to try to end the combat quickly, so I try to cast my most powerful spell, Baleful Polymorph on it.  It manages to resist the power though and so little remains for me except screaming.  I try to move away, but am quickly struck again.   Gretta encases it with ice as healing magic gets cast on me.   The healing magic does little though as I feel so very tired and weak.  Sadobras again try’s to heal me then moves to the attack.   Dalomar strikes it in a critical spot and the beast screams in pain.  Finally Yoska finishes it off.   I fight back and forth against the melting of my flesh.  The release of my threefold aspect bring back some of my constitution, but not enough.   Taking a potion of lesser restoration, I manage to struggle on longer.  In the end it proves to be enough and I manage to live.  Spread around the room we find many items of magic, yet I feel not happiness in the victory.   We struggled and barely won.   What awaits us in the pit of Eons?

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Reign of Winter #27: The Crone! Dream-haunting hags, shopping trips to Centaur town, bastard taxidermists of the nymph and satyr and other strange things...

Diary of Zaaz Bloodfortune.....

Sometimes I feel it must be an affliction of Desna in my life. This desire to explore, search, and learn more drives me onward. It can’t be just a selfish desire for power, can it? Little enough of the supposed riches of the great lair of Baba Yaga have we found. I begin to suspect that what the crone knows, she keeps in her head. A bauble here, a bauble there. Yes, you voices, they are indeed shiny, shiny baubles, yet hardly something to shake the pillars or let one pierce the veil. In the battle where we gained access to the hut I learned more about the reality, or lack thereof, in the things we see around it than what we have found here. Whenever we break to replenish our power, I talk about these things with Grr. My Patron is wise, yet imparts little wisdom beside trite words like “See beyond the deception of the realms.” It makes my cry in frustration to feel so close to understanding, yet so far away. Though they think I don’t see them, but I see the strange looks my comrades give me. They begin to question at my sanity. Well, even more than they did when they found me fist speaking to the voices. Little do they know I question it too…
As Tauvem enters the area, his invisibility purge reveals another Hag. Calling upon her power she quickly casts a deep slumber upon Tauvem and Snori, putting Snori on the ground. Dalomar, who had remained hidden springs to the attack and does a massive strike upon the hag. Realizing something is wrong the rest of us advance as quickly as we can. Calling forth the powers of life I touch upon Sadobras and heal him of some of the damage done by the cursed broom. Calling his thanks to me he charges forward to the attack on his warg. The hag strikes at Dalomar and he evades striking back at a critical point on the had nearly finishing her in just the second of his strikes. Sadobras moves over to guard the defenseless and Snori. Tavum fires his bow at the hag and having had enough of a fair fight she shifts herself to the ethereal plane. Her shadow visage on the material plane grins cruelly as she knows she is relatively safe from harm there. Putting lie to that, I quickly cast the Blink spell and begin to shift back and forth between the two planes. Cursing in frustration the hag moves away into a wall, escaping with its life.

Surrounded by the Meniers I try to summon the power to look out again across Artrosia, but can’t seem to find the focus to do so. Calling upon my hex of fortune, I bestow it upon Sadobras and he looks around, seeing little besides some Giants traveling over the wall of mountains.

Feeling more ready to test the power of the Asura we go back to the room with the strange stone trees. We try to negotiate, but quickly the strange being attacks us. Dalomar takes a hit, but shrugs it off. I try to use one of my new spells, Phantasmal Killer, to tear at the Asura’s fears, but it shrugs it off. The asura uses a ranged attack on Dalomar hitting him and spraying his blood upon the floor. Dalomar strikes it back and tries a flipping acrobatic escape, but it swatted in midair. Soon enough we also realize this isn’t a battle just with the Asura. The Hag that had escaped at the Meniers has joined the battle and put Sadobras’s Warg to sleep. Tavum moves to try to find the hag, while Yoska moves to attack the Asura. Seeing my chances to strike directly at the Asura as minimal, I call fortune upon Gretta buffing her chances to strike. Before she can do much though, the Asura moves to attack her and she is cut again and again. After five strikes, she drops to the ground. The hag attacks Snori inflicting disease upon him.

Reign of Winter pathfinder adventure, within Artrosia, Sadobras' new ride, a warg!

 fighting the asura and night hag in Artrosia, Mother, maiden, crone, Reign of Winter adventure path

The battle seems to be going against us and I begin to wonder the wisdom of continuing to press the attack, but then Tavum gets a serious strike on the hag with a cold iron arrow that seems to seriously hurt it. Yoska casts haste on himself and moves in to strike the Asura. Calling on luck again, this time for Dalomar, he moves up and strikes at the many armed opponent. Moments later Sadobras charges in, skewering it with his lance. Realizing we finally have the better of it, the Asura disappears. Venting our frustration on the remaining hag, Yoska blasts it with a scorching ray while Tavum shoots her again.
The hag taken care of and the Asura apparently gone we start moving on, but are attacked again by it. This time we are ready and I call upon the evil eye to make it easier to hit. Everyone else moves in taking their turns, Dalomar hitting with a massive strike and the creature is no more. Taking the many weapons dropped by it, we call upon healing magic and move on.
We go down to a door and unlock it. Dalomar sees stairs going up. Up he goes and soon we follow, up and find Jadranka standing on a platform. She appears pregnant this time and acting as the mother. Around her are a bunch of Korreds, a hairy kind of fay. She is upset with us that other invaders appeared at the same time and blames us. Marislova has gone as well further drawing her ire. She tells the fay to attack us. Dalomar spring attacks one and the rest of us move up. The creatures do a sonic laugh attack that stuns me. It seems they also can pass through boulders and their hair is writhing like it can attack us. Sadobras charges in doing a trample/overrun on one. It dives out of the way, but Sadobras hits another one for damage. Dalomar attacks again almost taking out one in one hit. I am stunned and can do nothing. Tauvem moves up to strike and kills one. The Korreds aren’t helpless and they move up and attack with their grabbing hair. Yoska comes in and finishes one off. Gretta attacks and hits. Sadobras's warg enlarges and attacks. Sadobras attacks and kills one. Dalomar moves over to the one Gretta wounded and kills it. Tavum kills another. The last one laughs, stunning Dalomar. Soon enough the last one is finished off. We search and then climb the chimney that goes up. It seems to go to surface, but end is blocked.

Search we did for another way out and found a long path. On and on it did stretch so we had Dalomar again at the fore. Using a trick he learned to see through doors he lets us know that beyond are several Andrazku and a female Frost Giant. Dalomar throws the door open for us letting Yoska and Gretta move up to flank one of the Andrazku. Almost out of spells I cast a stinking cloud at the Frost Giant to try to weaken it, but it doesn’t miss a step. Sadobras and his warg charge into the room, riding by one Andrazku and killing it in one strike. The giant swings at Sadobras, hitting with its axe while I move up to attack with a sleeping hex. It shrugs it off, but Yoska and Gretta move in bloodying it. Snori pees on a snowball and throws it at the giant hitting it and forces it to wipe its face in disgust. The giant strikes a massive blow to Gretta, almost killing her, but she rallies to retaliate with a massive strike of her own. Yoska charges up his sword with a crackle of electricity and finishes the bitch off. Before we can all turn on the remaining Andrazku, Dalomar springs in and finishes it off.

Standing there panting at the end of the battle, I beg my companions for rest. All my major spells are gone and even magical healing can’t make up for the stress of battle. Moving to a safe area we rest the night, but in the morning Dalomar wakes looking haunted. As he tries to pull himself together a Night Hag appears and demands of him why she saw the Black Rider in his dreams. Why did he die? We explain and she gives us a bottled message before disappearing. We open the bottle and inside a message waits us. The voice of a very old lady crackles forth, “If you hear this, my own blood betrayed me. Jadranka has one key, the other lies in the eon pit." We recognize the Eon pit is related to the curse of Eons done by high level witches. We know it is some kind of cursed area dealing with aging. We remember the raven gave us some hints.

Dalomar may have woken tired, but I find myself brimming with energy. Talking with Grr, I see I have broken through to the Ninth circle of magic. Understanding and power unlike I’ve ever know are mine. Perhaps this is the real secret of Artrosia. Not the knowledge you find here, but the challenge itself pushing you to new levels of strength. Rising from my communion I turn to my companions and announce, “I’m going to take a bath!” Taking much of the wealth the party wishes to sell and one of my companions, I rip through the barriers of reality, making here there and there here, teleporting into town. After some time spent in the tubs, shopping, selling, and such, I return to Artrosia and my companions.

On we decide to go to the crone area and learn that we’ve made a mistake. Selling the Gem of Brightness was the wrong choice. The area of the crone is almost entirely sheathed in darkness and navigating its ways very difficult. Soon we find strange three armed creatures climbing on frames and torturing woodland animals. We quickly kill them all. Searching around we find formula books for the various alchemical creations they were making.

Dalomar scouts and finds another room with totem poles carved with the learning faces of old women. The floor is covered with skins and pelts. Walking around are strange hoarpanther zombies and a Puckwudgie. The Puckwudgie we remember is some strange creature that creates undead. For now we decide to check out a different path.

Soon we find a table with a bowl and flowers that radiate magic. Beyond it Dalomar tells us there is a serious trap. Also there is a Crescent moon symbol and runes surround it. Deciphering them I see they say “From one stage to the next, let my light always guide my path.” In the bowl are wildflowers and carvings of Maidens, nude and doing various tasks. Remembering back we saw something similar where there were wreaths of pinecones doing the same type of things. We arrange the items in the same order from before and the trap disarms.

We decided now that the path is clear to take care of the strange cat zombies and Puckwudgie. Snori and Sadobras charge in while I summon a hound archon. Yoska casts a fireball to roast many of the zombies. The puckwudgie shoots poisoned quills at Yoska damaging his constitution and knocking him out. I heal Yoska and he wakes again. My archon hits one of the zombies, slowing it down. The Puckwudgie goes invisibile again and the orders his Zombies all to attack. With the Puckwudgie invisible, he’ll be able to make quick work of us, so I cast a see invisibility spell and immediately start pointing out the beast, shouting and pointing “He’s there! He’s there” Yoska moves up to finish off the zombie while Sadobras and Gretta move up to attack the Puckwudgie. Digging into my bag of tricks I call forth glitterdust on the Puckwudgie making it permanently visible and we quickly finish it off.
hoarpanther zombies and a Puckwudgie
hoarpanther zombies, Artrosia

Finding little we moved on again and this time we found where one fo the keys may lue. The eon pit lays ahead of us and we begin our decent. Traps and such abound, but my knowledge of Witchery comes in helpful for once. Down we move and hopefully time will play no tricks on us…

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Reign of Winter #26, Deep in "Mother" Artrosia, crypts and ghosts, a giant and hag BFF, and now a Asura-Hag sandwich.

Excerpt from Zaaz's journal:

… The battle was joined and the Witchfire proved to be a difficult opponent.   Its touch or bolt did engulf the one hit in a blast of sickly flames.  Sickening and painful, we fought off its attacks and destroyed the hag.   Once done with the creature, we examined the room and items in more detail.  The large painting of a winged, donkey-tailed hag was Mestama, the demon lord of cruelty and hags.  The long spear pointing east was a mighty weapon indeed.   A Spear of Giant Slaying was more than welcome in a place infested with their cold hearts.  A cold iron scimitar, a silver punching dagger, and magic pipes were also to be found. 

Dalomar went and scouted forward again, reporting back a strange room of stone trees.  Within this forest stood an Asura, a creature of multiple heads and arms.   Believing it was time to consult the spirits as we knew little of this creature but its name, I remembered a find from earlier, seers tea.   Brewing the tea I pondered over the leaves left and the question at hand.   The creature didn’t look evil and we deigned not at attack it without need.  Also, not knowing much of it, were we powerful enough to prevail.   The leaves swirled and settled in the bottom and the answer of woe became clear.  Low on spells for the day, we decided to revisit the creature later.

Soon we found ourselves in a room of crypts and statues.  Ten of fearsome visage stood waiting.  My excitement grew at this find, for surely these were the crypts of the previous caretakers of Artrosia.   Who knew what pearls of wisdom waited within, yet who knew what traps.  Examining the first, Dalomar determined that yes indeed they were trapped and a danger to our lives.  Calling upon a luck hex, I cast it upon him and bade him to disarm.   My cackles of laughter rang louder and louder in the dark place at the joy of maintaining such powers.  Six of the ten he did disarm with little difficulty.  Six magical traps did fade from their waiting.  Six, but not enough.  Soon the spirit of ghostly barbarian spirits rose up to strike at us.   Sons of the spirit mother they were and their gaze was terrible.   The ghosts mere look did damage to the body and mind.  Incorporeal it proved difficult to even touch them.  Still, soon enough they were defeated and the crypts stood open.   Within we found some treasure, including a magnificent bejeweled Athame, yet not yet what I longed for.  Where were the secrets whispered of?   Where lay the power I hoped to gain?

Onward again and down a long and winding path deeper within.   Dalomar reported that at the bottom a frost giant awaited us.   In we went to battle and another of the hags appeared.  Snori was cursed of much of his strength.   Yoska moved up, but was struck for massive damage by the giant.  Yoska closed further and called forth mirror images to befuddle the giant.  I called upon my magic to summon a phantasmal killer, but the hag shook it off and turned invisible.   Sadobras and his warg jumped down from above in what would have been a beautiful feat of acrobatics, had he not been struck half way down by the giant.  Gretta showed him how death from above should work and jumped down upon the giant, striking him with the giant bane spear.  Yoska finished off the giant as I flew above searching for the witch.   Finding her again, I called down a bolt of lightning to her.  Sadobras followed up with a much more successful charge and killed her quickly.  

Within the room, enemies now dead, we search and found a giant mortar and pestle.   The pestle was actually a magic great club.  A magic broom of flying we gave to Sadobras to allow him to make his charges from the air.   And then… What I had been looking for.   The first of the secrets I sought.  The Cookbook of Arcane Augmentation.  A mighty tomb whispered of in covens and sought be many.  With this book I could prepare one of my spells each day using the metamagic powers, yet not have to pay the extra power to empower such a spell.   No need to study and practice to use the feat of power, just open the book, brew in the cauldron, and prepare the spell.  Magnificent!

All being tired and the room looking defensible we decided to rest and I had the chance to study and use my newfound power.  All know that spells and magic that change ones abilities don’t bestow the real benefits of those abilities unless they can be maintained.  Now I can call upon the threefold aspect each day to extend the effect.   Bringing forth the spell, I called upon the aspect of the crone.   My body shook and twisted, becoming more frails and slow, but oh the power of my mind did stretch.   I began to see the wisdom of the world in ways I never had before and I knew my power had become terrible in its strength.  Mother, if you watch over me, your daughter sends her love for the wisdom you imparted.

Wisdom not granted to Snori.   Once up, we decided to go back and revisit the Asura.  With his typical desire to make the world his playground, Snori tweaked the Asura’s nipples.   Literally, he went forward invisibly with Dalomar then flew up invisibly and did give them a pinch.  Seeing the lights he also summoned and the cry of outrage from the Asura, I grabbed Yoska and Gretta and used dimension door to bring us close to the battle.  The Asura, let loose some kind of strange rainbow pattern that fascinated some of us.  While we fought off the effects of the spell it summoned several Adhukis to help it.  Going invisible it let its minions move forward to attack.  A massive strike of cold quickly takes on down as Tauvem casts invisibility purge to try to find the creature.  Casting my see invisibility spell, I point out where she it, but then she uses other magic to disappear again.  Snori tries to distract the remaining Adhuki, but it managed to hurt Gretta.   Combining our strength we finish off the remaining Adhuki, but need to search more for the Asura. 

Just as we are about to leave and search elsewhere, once again the rainbow pattern befuddles us.  Flying above as I was, I’m unaffected.  Dalomar runs up and hits her.   Sadobras decides hops on his new broom of flying, intent to strike while his warg is fascinated.  The broom flies up and in a loop, dumping him off, and begins to strike at him.   A cursed item we should have expected.   Sadobras begins to battle with the broom as Tauvum pulls forth his longsword and attacks.   With nine attacks the creature is not one to be taken lightly.   Hexing it with misfortune I manage to blunt many of its strikes.   Tauvum calls forth inspiration on Snori who strikes at the creature in a critical hit.  I cast again and again calling forth sleep, blindness, and whatever else I can to little effect.  Still, the writing is clear for it, this is a fight it can’t win so it pulls back and teleports away.  

On to the next room we go and find again a circle of massive meniers.   Dalomar scouting tells us he can see some kind of hidden creature.   Tauvum brings forth his still operating spell of invisibility purge revealing a dark night hag…