Monday, November 27, 2017

Reign of Winter, Session 24 & 25, Artrosia: hangry plants, she's hot- no, eeew she collects scalps, 2nd career: statue, bright lights and bitchy nymphs

Diary of Zaaz Bloodfortune....

We continued on to explore the domain of the Maiden. The Adrazku that had attacked us came from this way so best to be sure they were all gone. With Snori’s help we quickly arrived at the room they had come from. For Demons who seemed to take such pride in their power and preening, they were proven to be just cowardly little wretches. Taking a place of such beauty as this and defiling it with filth and blood, covering the walls with runes paying homage to Kostchtchie the Demonic Lord Father of Frost Giants. Pah, children destroying beauty they are incapable of comprehending.
The room did prove useful though in that we found a rough map. We also encountered Jadranka, one who we later learned is supposed to be the warden of this place. A kind face she presented, asking our help in removing the demons and other intruders, but I trust her not. She tells us keys to finding Baba are here in Artrosia, but little she does to help. Exploring the room further we found a Giant Portable Ram, climbing gear, a potion and a wand.
On we went through the passage, but soon found the motif on the walls turning from spring to summer. The map we found listed areas we had as of yet to explore, so we decided it was time to go back and finish what we started. Back to the entrance we went to camp, rest, and retrieve Sadobras’ mount. In the morning I felt my power had grown and my familiar unveiled new spells to me.
On to the lair of the trixy Satyr we did go next. Politely we asked him to come forward to talk, but again he tried his tricks. Music from his pipes came to our ears, but having been exposed to these tunes so recently, beguile us they did not. Soon enough he came and flung spells as Sadobras. Touching the primal fear that is hidden within all of us, the spell caused Sadobras to run as fast as he could. Snori moved up and into the room as Tauvem covered him with arrow fire. Getting my first peek at what else lay within I saw a writhing mass of green plant flesh. Massive I knew from my studies it was a Tendriculous. Vines and branches pulled it forward and it attacked Tauvum. Turning invisible and flying into the room I lined up the Satyr and his pet plant and cast a lightning bolt at the pair. The Satyr threw off the attack with his innate magic resistance, but the Tendriculous had none and did much damage. Yoska moved up with his blade dancing with electrical energy as well and sliced at the beast.

Hexing the plant with Misfortune, I tried to limit the effectiveness of its attacks. It helped some, but I knew my hex had little chance against the Satyr as well. Still, one has to try so I cast a slumber towards it, but again it shook off my attack. While it did that though, Yoska moved in and finished off the plant. Gretta moved up to chop it and ensure it stayed as mulch. Seeing that it had little chance left, the Satyr turned to flee. I tried to stop him with a web, but soon it escaped and was away. Not as satisfying as ending the threat, but a win is a win.
Going onward we soon found a strange structure of cloth and sticks. A veritable house within a cave. From this house came a woman who told us her name was Caigreal. Prisoner she claimed to be of Jadranka and anxious for our help for both her and her sisters. While we talked, Snori went to explore the structure and took several of the items including clothes, valuables, and a box. Seeing the items Snori had taken, the woman demanded their return. Snori, being obstinate refused and the woman charmed Yoska to ask for the items return. To protect herself she also called forth a cloud of fog and hid within. Finally, relenting, Snori took out the items to return them. As he opened the box to show he was returning what was within, all saw that it actually contained the scalps of many small children.
Have you ever had one of those moments? One where your view of all that is happening is radically changed in an instant? This was one of those moments. One second she is a poor prisoner who’s things were being stolen by that damn fay. In the next, she’s a bloodthirsty Anis Hag that wants her collection of human scalps returned. The moments of our lives are certainly not meant to be like this…
Reign of Winter Caigreal in hag form

Sadobras quickly moved in and hit her with a staff. Gretta, under the spell of the Hag struck violently at Yoska, so I quickly cast slumber upon her to stop her till her senses returned. Yoska shook off his charm as well as the Hag had transformed and looked nothing like what she had. Tauvum and Snori moved in to attack from behind. A blast of negative energy singed all around the creature. Yoska moved up and his attack wounded and fatigued it. The fog was thick and I was unable to target directly, so I just moved up closer. Tauvum and Snori moved in again to attack and Snori did a massive hit for such a small creature, hitting some critical spot on her. Tauvum also wounded her. The hag struck at Yoska and knocked him down so I moved up and gave healing to him. Rage running through her on the damage to her mate, Gretta moved up and with her axe finished the hag off.

Exploring the area we found an intricately carved door we couldn’t open and so decided to leave it for later. On we went far down one of the paths that branched. Taking the left path we found that it opened up into a strange room that seemed a meadow. Sunlight came down from above and tall, cool grasses, stood swaying in the wind. Jadranka appeared again before us standing next to a great ox. Disguised as a simple farm maiden at first we did not recognize her. However, when she asked if we had found those that had invaded her realm, we quickly realized it was her. After a time talking she again teleported away and we readied to move on, but then noticed the Ox was no longer just an Ox. The creature was transformed and the illusion it was a cow and the illusion of the swaying grass disappeared. Instead before us stood a creature of fear and legend. The Gorgon!!
One blast of his breath and many of us were petrified. Sadobras and Snori threw off the petrification and moved to attack. Yoska and Gretta also moved up, knowing the breath weapon could come again at any time, we knew we had to take it down quickly. The Gorgon struck and gored Yoska, but luckily missed with his hooves. Snori flew under him and slicked at its belly. Calling upon the spirits to give fortune I hexed Sadobras to give his attack power. Gretta moved in and did a massive hit to the beats side. Then Yoska moved in and with his weapon again striking with electrical energy he finished it off.

As we continued on we came to a room with a pool surrounded by white stones, an oaken table, a side passage with stone pillars and a door carved with the image of a naked pregnant woman with a full moon painted on her belly. The pillars were waist high and gray, hallowed out on top like shallow bowls. Symbols on the pillars made it clear this was a part of a traditional fertility ritual. Well, at least the tame version of the fertility ritual. Not the sky-clad one traditionally followed by an orgy.
Explaining to all the significance of this, I pointed out the items on the table. Guiding the ritual, quickly we did invoke the magic of the pillars, opening the carved door and discovering the path to the summer of the life of women.
Deciding to finish exploring the path of spring first, we went back and Dalomar took a crack at unlocking the door we had previously found locked. Successfully doing so he opened it allowing us to see within was filled with daylight. Prick my eyes it did burn brightly and bold. Snori, taking his loincloth upon his head moved into the room and found the light coming from a crack upon the floor. The rest of us coming it, Dalomar and Tauvum were stunned by the brightness.

The rest of us felt as if some force were attacking our eyes and soon Gretta was near knocked off her feet by a blast of something. Searching our memories to figure what this could be we realize they be more trixy fay, the lurkers in the light. All but invisible in the brightness, yet spells of see invisibility are useless. At a loss to how to fight or defend, Sadobras came to our rescue. Carefully husbanded for just such an occasion, he did open and use a flask of ice flow elixir. Soon we can see the creatures and begin to fight in earnest. My slumber is useless due to the strength of will of them, but strength of will had naught to stop fearsum strikes from Dalomar and Gretta. Tauvum unleashes a cold iron arrow as well. Sadobras moves up to strike one, but gets blasted by a blindness spell. Thinking furiously I pull out my blanket and use it to cover the light. Soon enough between Yoska and the rest, the lurkers are gone. Working carefully under the blanket we pull out the source of light from the crevasse and find a useful gem of brightness.

Needing a break to recharge my cure blindness spell we retreat to the room we met the Ettins in and try to rest, only to be woken by Frost Giants. Casting forward a blast of confusion I have some success with one. Yoska tries to slumber one without success, but following his lead I manage to bring one down. Snori and Gretta attack wounding one that Tauvum finishes with another of his wicked arrows. The creature is finished, but much to everyone’s chagrin it falls over onto Gretta pinning her. Gretta transforms into a wolf and tried to break free as I cast blindness on the remaining Giant. Blind and outnumbered we make quick work of the frostie.

In the morning I lift the shadow from Sadobras. All of us once again hale and hearty we do continue on. Through the room that had held the light. Coming to another strange room we take stock. Huge stone Meniers form a giant ring, decorated by the corpses of gutted giants and beset in the middle with some strange plant. Seeing the Meniers I do quickly recognize with excitement what this must be. A way to connect to the visions of the maiden, but with something… missing. I move forward quickly to look, but out bursts a naked demon wench. Using stonecall she attacks us and we find it difficult to strike back. Such blinding beauty fills me with desire and lust, but I can feel she has wounded my familiar. Rage at this fuels me to fight, but her aura is blinding and Sadobras and Yoska scream and clutch at their eyes. Flying up above us we struggle to fight her as she remains mostly out of reach. Calling upon my newest spells I call forth a phantasmal killer to torment her. It strikes at her fears, but she survives. Soon between all of us we manage to drive her off, fleeing with a dimension door.
Reign of Winter, Mother Maiden Crone, battle against Kyrsijana the debased fey nymph
Reign of Winter, Pathfinder, Mother Maiden Crone, battle against the debased fey nymph Kyrsijana

Healing Grr and waiting a time to ensure she isn’t coming back we explore the area. I embrace the ritual of the maiden and see through the eyes of the great stature. Looking forth I see the beauty of the land, but little else. Withdrawing back into myself from the vastness of Artrosia, I talk with the rest of our group. Once again it seems we must rest and heal before we move on. The secrets that await us are so close and I worry the others will find them first. I grow impatient with our progress, but I know we are where we are supposed to be…

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Session 23: Artrosia!! Are those Cs or Ds? Wisps! This is a long climb; I think I'll rest in her belly button. Hungry trees, 2-headed guardians, an annoying fey opening doors, and beautiful music from a friend (or is it a fiend).

Diary of Zaaz Bloodfortune 10-19-17

The Wisps taken care of we resumed our ascent. With little more difficulty we quickly reached the top. Once there prick my eyes we did see a strange sight. An arched entrance into our destination and a centaur strung up in a tree. Bones littered the ground and the stench of death hung heavy. Caution upon us we studied the area carefully and noticed what wasn’t right. The tree the centaur hung on was no ordinary oak. It was a Witch Tree and hungry with malice. Thinking back to what we knew of such creatures we knew it would be no easy foe. Knowing we recognized it, the tree demanded we sacrifice one of our number for the privilege of entry. As much as I was tempted to put forth the annoying elf as payment, I tried to look to my better nature such as it was. Yes, you voices, I know to stay away from the evil path, but do you have to be so loud about it. Some deserve what they get. Ahem, as I was saying… Determined to do the right thing and not sacrifice a party member, instead we negotiated with the creature. Using my best of politeness I negotiated with the thing and received a riddle for my efforts. Solve the riddle and forward we could go. Sadobras quickly recognized the riddle was about the Black Rider, Alarian Matvias, and said so. As we had solved the riddle and that we were sent to search for Baba Yaga, the tree did let us pass.
Within the hallway itself was a wonder. Carved with a spring motif, flowers and vines, fresh with new growth, it spoke to me of the maiden. For a maiden is the source of life. Some would say that is the mother, but one is a maiden when one creates the new life, one becomes the mother once new life has begun. Down we went within the heart of the mountain, deep within. Dalomar scouting ahead heard noises below and tried to sneak close enough for a look. Luck wasn’t with him though and an errant gurgle of his stomach alerted those waiting ahead. Two Ettins did block our way and we knew they waited for us on the other side of a wall. What deity decided to create such a creature of madness? I know not, but they did have a reputation of evil. How to get into the battle without getting skewered was the question. Snori flew forward and tried to distract them with the offer of a fine axe, but the two (four?) of them were too canny for that. Dalomar did an amazing spring attack against them, darting in and out of cover. Sadobras also moved to the attack. Once battle was joined, the rest of us moved up and one of them did try to cast an Evil Eye hex on me. On me, a hex against me will you? Anger flooded me as Gretta moved to the attack. Her weapon seemed particularly effective against them and she sliced deep.
The battle was starting to move in our favor, but then Snori went exploring some more. Soon, it wasn’t just two Ettins. They were joined by a Frost Giant and three Andrazku Demons. Snori paid for the foolishness though as the Frost Giant bull rushed him, through a door he had put in the giants way, into a wall as he was casting reduce person upon it. I inflicted it with misfortune and Yoska moved to the attack. Yoska with his cold iron scimitar, flaming with magic, did finish the reduced giant. Soon enough, Ettins, Frost Giant, and Andrazku all lay dead before us. Such a battle just scant weeks ago would have been our end and I stood in wonder at our ability in battle. Even the elf seems to be blending in well with us in combat, his arrows inflicting terrible wounds. My familiar Grr tells me my Patron spirit has gift for my advancement as well. I begin to think us a group worthy of the gifts we will surely get from Baba Yaga.
Of course, that thought was just enough to jinx us. As we went onward through the passages, a strange music pulled at us. A Satyr with his fiendishly powerful pipes called to us. Evidently to feed to some giant plant Dalomar saw while scouting. The Satyr called to us once affected, but luckily not all of us could understand the language in which it spoke. Sadobras threw out a feather token tree to block the passage and though the pipes addled my mind, I knew enough that I didn’t want to see what lay beyond. So, as a path was made under the tree, I immediately sealed it with a web. In time, our wits returned and we decided to move on and search elsewhere….