Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Reign of Winter #38: The Dragon is dead and the key to the next destination is acquired!

Diary of Zaaz Bloodfortune:

Our magic and strength at low ebb, we take the only way open to us.  We barricade ourselves into a room and hope the forces against us won’t attack and waste our rest.  The powers of magic come to one only when one has prepared to receive them.  Rest, communion, a centering of the mind, all of these things are as important to one calling on the energies I do as a beer and a hearty meal are to a dwarven warrior.  

Dalomar and Sadobras offered to take watch while the rest of us rest and we gladly took them up on their offer.  When we woke, we learned what happened as we slept.

As Sadobras was on watch, he heard a Triaxian come out of a room and go to the door we heard something odd behind.  It sounds like he opened the door, then ran.  Sadobras, concerned for what might be loose, went out into the hall and found a hiding spot.  From where he sequestered himself, he unfortunately hears Snori’s prospective wife get eaten.  Soon enough he hears it wandering the hall for a time but is unsure what it was.  As his watch came to an end, he hears it coming closer.  Eventually it came to our room and realizing we were inside, it broke down the door.
Stormghost Frozen Stars Pathfinder

Finishing my communion with Grr, I was shocked by the creature before me.   A brief image of four insectile legs with a humanoid body and the monster lunged into the room.   It’s skin, or perhaps carapace would be a better description, flowed and changed trying to match the room around it.  Huge in front of us, yet my eyes were having trouble following its path.  On its hands were deadly looking claws and its mouth filled with razor sharp teeth.  Later, I would learn this monstrous creature was called a StormGhost.
In moments it called forth a storm of plague that blinded Sadobras and the monk.  Knowing that to fight it we must better see it, I cast a spell of Glitterdust on the creature.  The great weapon of it’s stealth broken, it quickly escaped out into the hall.  Knowing that should it have the opportunity to strike at us later with its stealth restored, the outcome of the fight might be in question, we all gave chase.  All of us fought it, but with its electrical aura, even getting close enough to attack it would wound us.  Finally, gathering my power, I encased it within a tomb of ice.  Though it will eventually be free, in this cold place it will hopefully be long after we have gone.

After defeating the creature, Snori went and verified that indeed his new prospective wife was indeed deceased. Bracing our courage, we moved forward into the dragon’s lair.  The Antechamber was massive with two giant ice pillers.  Predictably, as we passed the pillars, and prepared to go within, the pillars showed their true form, huge Ice Elementals.  Snori moves up to attack them as Tauvum summed a Djinn. The Djinn was killed quickly, so powerful the ice elements were.   I moved up and threw a hex of retribution upon one so that at least it took some damage in return.  The two of them moved towards us and both attack Sadobras.  One cleanly missed, while the other looked to be able to score a hit, but Sadobras twisted his mount at the last moment.  Soon enough we finish off the elementals and once again prepare to enter the dragons lair.

Tauvum brings forth some strange shadow elf creature, while I down a potion then use dimension door to move Sadobras, Nevrah, and Snori into the room.  Within, two strongly build Barbarians and a Dragon are within on a massive platform at the center of the pentagonal chamber.  Tauvum casts a greater dispel magic on the Dragon to remove some of its defenses, while Sabobras charges and takes a chunk out of one of the dragon’s guards.  The other barbarian moves up and with his weapon slices deep into me.  Soon, a cold and icy fog spread throughout the room, emanating from the dragon and limiting our ability to see.  Before the fog covers everything though, Dalomar manages to finish off one of the guards.  Knowing that waiting for the Dragon would be the height of folly, I jumped up into the air, flying above and trying to get rid of the fog with dispel magic, but to no success.  Soon, I’m joined in the sky by the Dragon itself, as it breathes down frost and ice at our party.  I manage to avoid getting caught in it and the rest of my friends fare well due to our preparations.  Down on the ground, Dalomar finishes off the other barbarian guard as Snori and Tauvum trade ranged attacks with the wyrm.  Moving around, Sadobras uses his slink to sneak attack the beast as well.  

Previous to entering the lair of the beast, I had drunk a potion I thought might be of help against Yrax, a Truefrost Elixer.  This potion would let even a white dragon suffer from cold.  So, casting again I struck it with a cone of cold, causing it to scream in pain.  Yoska then flew over the Dragon and somehow attacked it by elongating his arm.  Tauvum’s creature of shadow, some kind of strange angel, also attacked the Dragon with a beam of light.  The Dragon struck back at the Angel wounding it.  Sensing we needed more heat to kill the beast, I brought forth a Cuestodaemon to blast it with fire.  The Angel also struck and wounded and managed to blind the dragon, but was soon killed.  Yoska, making a bladed dash finished off the last of the dragons Mirror Images, then damaged him as well.  With all of us attacking, soon the dragon was defeated, and we stood there panting.

Exploring the room, we found the bear skin we had been looking for, a bag filled with special dice, and a variety of other treasure.

The dragon now dead and our mission essentially complete, I wonder how much more we will need to do to return to our own world.  

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